When you make a fucking mistake and are about to get your throat brutally slit by an old man. Typically 80-85 years old.
Call an ambulance call an ambulance!...But not for me (shoots in the forehead,Then slit throat,then proceeds to cut body open and eat cooked spine.)
1. Where a women sends a dirty, flirty messages to other employee(s) (usually male) disguised as a typo.
2. this is another example of many symptoms that often indicate diarrhea of the fingers. Obviously this user should have typed "all pc" which means something completely different.
Rabid fingers: Please install agents on call pcs and the server.
Tech: What are call pcs?
Rabid fingers: um....i dunno....
Tech: grrrrrr...(I crush your head!)
When you realize your BFF has called and texted several times during the night to make sure you made it home safely from your date the night before. And you have to make that call of shame to let them know you spent the night and that you are sorry you worried them.
To Kristen (9:36 am) Hey, it's Lisa...sorry I worried you last night . I am making my call of shame to let you know I am driving home now...*sigh*
The innate and perpetual instinct that all primate feel when freedom is thrust upon them suddenly.
When the lab truck over turned, the rhesus monkeys succumbed to The Call of Harambe.
When you pretend to talk to someone on the phone for the purpose of avoiding communication with the people or person around you.
Krystol thought Cole made a ghost call for an excuse to leave.
e sex, online sex, sex on a phone where one person explains to a different person what to do during masturbation.
I have to go to a business call.
I have to go to a business call, I will return soon.