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Bussin’ Cheeks™️

To fuck the shit out of someone. To literally clap the fuck out of someone’s ass cheeks that they bounce and make the noise “foop foop foop”

Hey boys, I’m gonna buss’ some cheeks tonight. Get on xbox later tho?

I was BussinCheeks™️ Last night lol

by Dpapi X April 6, 2020

2👍 1👎

Two Left Cheeks

Phrase expressing the inability to twerk.

A derivation from the phrase, "two left feet" which is used to refer to someone who can't dance.

Bro 1: Dude, tried to learn how to twerk after watching the new Miley Cyrus video. Two hours later, all I had was sore calfs -- just can't twerk no matter how hard I try!

Bro 2: You must have two left cheeks, man.

by Zoren Shoeman July 1, 2013

Drop tha cheek

When you utterly fail at a specific task. Any task.

Can also be used with "the", "dat", or "dem cheeks"

1: "Damn dude can you believe Tom didn't show up to the darty?"
2: "I know he really dropped tha cheek"

1: "Can't believe I'm not going to finish my homework on time. I hate when I drop tha cheek"

by Stevie_Z September 10, 2022

Booty Cheeks Magee

A person who is just so funny and so skinny that the title doesn’t fit but it’s really funny.

Girl: my best friend is Booty Cheeks Magee.
Boy: who’s that?

Girl: oh that’s Jackie, we call her Booty Cheeks Magee

by Booty cheeks Magee October 5, 2018

Wax them cheeks

To "wax them cheeks" means to engage in sexual intercourse with said person.

I love me some sweet mango booty, cant wait to wax them cheeks.

by Tomokiman June 26, 2016

took your cheeks

When someone grabs your butt

Bob took your cheeks

by Kruddyki February 16, 2017

high-rise cheek

The under buttcheek exposed when a girl wears high waisted shorts

Did you see her shorts today? The high-rise cheek was out of control.

by Gurce May 15, 2013