You want me to think I can't control you but really there's nothing you can do to STOP me from controlling you.
Hym "Want to see me control you? Try to stop me as hard as you can ok? I'm the single most powerful psychic on the planet. You want to see? You don't believe me? Ok. After you leave the site you're on to read this... Come back at a later time or date to read this again. There. You have been controlled."
Again. It isn't about controlling your behavior. It's about preventing you from using this to control my behavior and the outcome or nature of my existence with cooperative non-association, gaslighting, mass stalking, copyright theft, selective shunning. And you can't say you're not doing it because it's implict THE FACT that you're doing and that you have justified it internally and committed to it. You are using your behavior to control my ability to attain recourse and turn me into a human schrodinger's cat. And all in the name of wrong think about women. I don't need to be humble. That's you trying to control my behavior. I don't need to be sorry. That's you trying to control my behavior. And before you vomit your next round of "Well I don't have to *insert uno reverse*" remember I also don't have to let the next kid I get within arms reach of to live. You weren't there for the last 5 you won't be there for the next.
Hym "So, what you need to do is control your behavior in such a way that it doesn't get your kids killed. If you're not going to stop trying to control my behavior, you're either going to need to be forced by the state or I'm going to need to create reprocussions for you're actions here."
If you want to know who controls you; look at who you cannot criticize.
Hym "Better yet, if you want to know who controls you. Look at who you aren't allowed to sympathize with..."
I don't have control over any of that, bitch. I can't even get people to acknowledge that it's happening. If it takes putting other people's lifes at risk for you to give a shit then you aren't really giving me a choice, are you?
Hym "Seriously. How fucking stupid do you have to be to not understand that if YOU are justified in NOT GIVING A SHIT about the content or quality of MY life; I can ALSO justify NOT GIVING A SHIT about OTHER PEOPLE'S lives. I don't control any of this. I STILL don't even know how you're seeing any of this. If it takes for other people to assume the same risk I'm expected to assume for this to be remediated; then it is what it is. I'm not letting it go. I'm as patient as it gets. YOU could mitigate the risk immediately. YOU PERSONALLY could fix the problem you're bitching about. You could leave me a message in clip form and the algorithm would pick it up. You could lambast me in person today if you wanted to. You wouldn't entirely resolve the potentially harmful situation TODAY. But you don't actually care about the potential for harm. If it isn't someone you can wield against your political opponents you don't give a shit. THAT'S WHY I'M STILL HERE. Neither side can use me against the others and my purported beliefs are too incoherent for you to nail down. I'm in the blindspot between opposing forces so neither of you dare get involved for fear of getting stuck with me. You're cowards. You don't care if that anyone actually gets hurt. You'd RATHER they did. That would make it easy for you because then you wouldn't have to think about it."
No there is a list of things to do and not do. The point of the religion is to get people to do it. It was enforced by the sword for centuries.
Hym "You're conflating the theoretical positive effects it may have and the good people who engage in the practice with the religion itself. You're just trying to get tour greedy fingers on the moral authority of God. Liberalize the religion so your values have the backing of a creator deity EXPLICITLY TO CONTROL THE AMOUNT RADICALIZATION. You are worse than every Red-pill sophist. No matter how much hatred they have in their hearts, no matter toxic they are... There is just as much evidence that the red pill shit-heads are correct in their assessment of women... As there is evidence for the positive benefits of religion."
Atheist plant "But toxic vs good though! Hatred! HaAaAaAatred! Hate bad!"
Hym "The hatred is not the first link in the antecedent chain. Negative experience -> Hatred -> Articulation -> Substantiation. And toxicity isn't worse for society that alcohol or sugar."
Atheist plant "But I'm gonna broaden toxicity INTO alcohol though!"
Hym "Both are allowed and fine."
The controller given to any player 2 by snotty teenagers, usually covered in snot, which dried along with the cheeto dust on it. You'd be very lucky if either of the sticks worked.
"Have you heard of William? He's a lovely guy"
"Yeah, but if he invites you round, bring your own controller"
"How come?"
"He's only got Sneeze Controllers"
A fictional version of Birth Control a man can take to make his sperm inactive for the day.
Joe-Dude I gotta go to the store for some condoms
James-why don't you just pop some MAN CONTROL?