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Pop culture sheep

Pop culture sheep are those who use phrases and body language aligned with mainstream Hollywood. They are easily influenced by tabloidism derived from mainstream media and are unable to effectively research current events, objectively think for themselves, or be individuals.

Alice said CNN told her <insert bullshit CNN said> and went on a rant about racism in the US. I asked her if she verified that information by cross-referencing multiple news sources but she just dabbed and said, "I'm not about that life." What a pop culture sheep.

by mistadabid April 19, 2018

Third Culture Kids

Kids under 18 who spend a portion of their life with their family outside of their parents culture. These children mix their home culture and host culture together to form a unique culture of their own that can only be shared by others who have had a similair experience.

Hannah was born in Arkansas but because her father is a diplomat, she moved to Japan and then Egypt where she has lived most of her life. Hannah finds it hard to relate to Egyptians and Americans her own age and finds the people who understand her the best are other Third Culture Kids.

by Erin Rayl October 12, 2007

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Vulture Culture

The type of people who lurk, sell and buy on on-line rummage sale, garage sale & resale sites.

"The Vulture Culture on this site sucks" Vulture Vulture Culture

by Kamkath March 21, 2015

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cookie-cutter culture

A better name for modern American society; basically, a culture in which conformity to any and all trends, no matter how stupid/hurtful/stereotypical they are, is valued over intelligence and individuality.

All Black/African-Americans are expected to be top-notch basketball players, drug dealers, hos, pimps, morons...it goes on ad infinitum.

by Shawn B. December 5, 2003

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Cultural Catholic

An excuse of a Christian,also know as a Protestant,are basically atheists.Common in France,England and 'Murica,widespread in Canada.

Cultural Catholic is an acronym for "Protestant".

by The great handle February 25, 2018

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Culture of Corruption

1. A term used by the Democratic Party in 2006 to describe the problems of the Republican Party.

2. A term Republicans use to describe the Democratic Party in response to William Jefferson's bribery scandal, Nancy Pelosi's hypocrisy on ethics, and Charlie Rangel's tax issues.

3. A book by conservative author and political blogger Michelle Malkin, subtitled "Obama and His Team of Tax Cheats, Crooks, and Cronies"

These days, we're starting to see where the real Culture of Corruption is.

by StoogeWatcher August 21, 2010

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People and Culture Consultant

A job in Human Resources but only when it's filled by a good looking woman.

Office Worker 1: Did you see the new woman in our office? She is so hot.
Office Worker 2: Yes, that's Lisle, the People and Culture Consultant.
Office Worker 1: What's a People and Culture Consultant?
Office Worker 2: It's the job everyone has called human resources for hundreds of years but now they've started hiring better looking women so they've come up with a new name for the job.

by FinanceTeam August 9, 2019