A Hindi person who
1. Acting white (Selling out)
2. Partially has a white ancestry (White dad/grandpa Hindi mother/grandma or Hindi dad/grandpa white mother/grandma)
This word analogous with Oreo (niggas, aborigins, and Hindi who sell out and/or has a white ancestry) and Banana (asian who sell out and/or has a white ancestry)
1. Satya Nadella such a white curry, he needs to use Micromax or Lava smartphone instead of Apple
2. Vijay is a Half-Caste White Curry, since his grandma is a British Colonial people
What the heritage teacher Mrs Russell uses. It is for people who can not afford to go to Superdrug and buy some fucking makeup
"I love that girls curry foundation "
another word for an ugly retard
Claire: Are you guys on task?
Rob: Of course, what do you think I am, an aidan curry
Claire: No, you're right, you're definitely not the ugliest person I've ever seen.
When you go down on a hot Indian chick.
Damn! That Indian girl was the spiciest furry curry i have ever had!
The gay word for skeet on deck.
On the episode of family guy, "on Deck with men, curry ship"
An indian dog fucker that st0mps on his curry in a manner resulting fr0m being betrayed by another dog
That Curry Stomper really put his foot in it this time.