this is reference to a very harmful person. usually on discord. known for
doxxing, swatting, DDosing, logging, identity fraud
all of these listed are cyber bullying and considered felonies
10zr : yo u heard that astral is a cyber felon?
vimerance : nah mane I js knew he nuked a server
Please see cy-lebrity for further info
cy-lebrity is a short for cyber-lebrity. Rolls of the tongue better
The way people talk over the internet
The cyber lingo that people use to socialize over the internet is so unusual.
it's when an AI has an episode and produces extremely weird results, like things morphing in and out in images, nonsensical text or music suddenly turning into garbage
-what are you doing
-ah im just removing all this cyber schizophrenia from this AI art i made
- fuck you
A game my friend won’t fucking shut up about
My friend won’t shut up about fucking cyber punk 2
a person who acts like a dick when talking on text or aim or facebook chat, but they are actually pretty nice in person.
aim conversation:
1stperson: heyy
cyberdick: hi
1stperson: whatsupp?
cyber dick: nm.
*THey go on vc*
cyberdick: heyy!!!
To punch someone technologically.
“I wish I could go through this screen and punch them but for now I’ll just cyber punch”