usually a guys name however some girls are named drew. girl drew’s are probably gay because of the masculine name. she is an asshole at times but on the inside has a hugeee heart. drew is sexy and sarcastic and LOVES making people laugh. beware.... falling out of love with her is an almost impossible task. if you meet a drew keep her in your life because she is someone who will be there for you no matter what
woah who’s that?
oh that’s drew, you don’t have a chance. she’s gay
Drew’s are amazing guys. They have a very funny personalities. They are the most sarcastic people known to earth. They are charming and can sweep a girl off their feet at any moment. When able they live to give advice. If you have the chance take it. They love Jeeps and usually girls names Madison. Drew’s typically have blondish brownish hair and blue eyes. They like to play football, tennis, do trap shooting, and go bowling. Don’t forget they are a cute romantic. They also love the little things.
Girl #1: Have you seen that guy with the blonde hair and blue eyes.
Girl #2: You mean Drew.
Girl #1: Isn’t he dreamy.
Girl #2: Of course he’s amazing.
The guy who left my twin sister all alone in her C block English class
My twin: Drew go die in a car crash like your dad
Drew: C block C block imagine having English C block
Blue eyes
Brown hair
Big feet
Likes peanut butter
Very athletic
Taco Bell is home
Has many friends but few close ones
Dimples for days
Loves to cuddle
Gives good massages
Andrew is so funny, and sweet. I love talking to Andrew.
Drew is a very nice man and would do anything for anyone, but he brings of a stench and doesn't know how to wash is ballz properly. Drew has no rizz and will probably die single. If you find a drew...Please run.
Ew look at drew over there.
A man with the body of Chris Evans and the personality of McLovin.
A Drew would make the perfect boyfriend!
Usually a guys name(not always). They are very sweet, and loves sports. Extremely cute. -think of a number between one and ten… multiply it by 12.. add 7 and take 3. Ok now scrap the numbers and think of the cutest person ever! That’s Drew!- Can be an asshole at times (not often). Sarcastic alot. Would do anything for that one girl. They will always be their for you.
M: Drew is the best!
?: yea he is!