A female that only wants a man for food and fucking. A form of food digger with extra benefits. Includes buying groceries too.
That chick is a food dicker.
- food sold out of an adidas bag from a Mexican that also supplies hot sauce and a lime spray he keeps in a windex bottle
Those ghetto chicks are eating hoodrat food
When someone eats a large amount of food causing them to look pregnant
Aaron had just finished his 5 course meal At the hotel. He leaned back and belched loudly rubbing his food baby
Hey can I have another pizza? He asked the waiter next to him
An entity who is a dude and somewhere on him is food. No one knows what kind of food he'll have on but most of the time it's food you want. These creatures are very stupid. DO NOT INTERACT WITH THEM FOR MORE THAN AN HOUR, as they might poison you.
Hey the food with dude is approaching you
When you have second thoughts or, regrets, about food you decide to have or order.
Person a: I'll have a Cesar salad
Person b: I'll have a double bacon cheese burger with fries and a milkshake.
Person a: that sounds great dude
Person b: yeah. Your about to have major food regrets.
When someone has breakfast, lunch or dinner by taking bites out of other people's food.
Are you gonna get lunch today?
No I'll just eat some of yours
Man you gotta stop borrowing food
Food stored in a carrying satchel, such as a puse, carrying bag or luggage, eaten at later time.
I found this purse food, think it's from taco bell last Friday.