Someone is gay if is certified by James Charles
Straight guy: i'm not gay!
James Charles: Yes you are! Now let me be your girlfriend
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1. Someone who plays Fortnite in 2021.
2. Also used to describe a tik tok viewer.
Hey, i heard you play Fortnite, that's gay.
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Description 1. A word that some people use as an insult/tease instead of growing up and realizing that this year is past that.
Description 2. It actually means a person or animal(usually a male) that is attracted to the same gender/sex. Another word for Gay is also Homosexual
Example for description 1.
Probably a middle school student: Bro you're so gay and I'm only calling you that because I'm not smart enough to know what the word "gay" means anymore due to me using this word to an extended amount of times, now I'm just going to replace the meaning of this word with the meaning of some sort of insult such as stupid.
That dudes^ friend: no u
Example for description 2. John Laurens was totally gay for Alexander Hamilton :) h i s t o r y
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