me. i am gender.
ash: omg that's soooooooo gender
rose: literally!!
chad: how can a pixelated image be 'gender'?? gender is a biological fact based on chromosomes. there are only two!!!!! fucking snowflakes...also gender is a noun not an adjective. imagine being this brain dead!!!!
ash: you are literally a steam of lines that have been assigned meaning radiating from a screen as the rays of light become colour to the eyes of whoever is reading this. you were literally made up by some random twink who got bored at 3am when he was supposed to be doing his maths homework.
chad: cucumber
It's kinda like Yin and Yang
One of the Genders are evil monsters and the other is a blessing for the other.
Gender in three ways
1) male is bad
2) female is good
3) who?
Computer: What is your gender?
Options: Male or Female
Its basically just a social construct created by humans to make everything a bit more easier, but in recent years it has been seen to back-fire
Person 1: "wait what gender am i-"
Person 2: "dont worry! Gender is just a social construct created by mankind to make themselves feel better and ad more labels to their selfish needs"
Person 1: "yay! Over estimating man's needs and wants!"
the male sex or the female sex, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female.
"He's a Generation Alpha. Anything from 2010 until now."
"What's next?"
"Generation Der. Like gender."