the polar opposite of mugging. forcibly giving an individual something they do not want
Yeah man... my old roommate moved out and gummed me with his nasty empty whiskey bottle collection.
A person who is stuck on you like gum is on a shoe.
This person follows you around and you can't seem to get rid of them.
An annoying person who follows you like a dog
Amy is my gum. Whatever I do, she just follows me around and won't take the hint.
The only thing that sticks your ass cheeks if you sit on it you blow with your mouth which is the only thing you can blow with out geting in truble
gum you put in your mouth
Gumsius maximus, more commonly known as gums, is a large, docile creature who can take a lot of shit, but if the shit meter reaches maximum shart, a chemical known as youknowyou'rejustafaggotium is released into its brain, which causes it to utter the phrase 'you know you're just a faggot,' which will instantly kill anything that hears it. Feel free to approach this creature, but be sure not to provoke it.
Little man: You're gay!
Gums: 'you know you're just a faggot.'
Little man: *dies*
Girl who chews gum while billagating.
Nicki Minaj would be a gum Bottom Berry.
A guy also a streamer on MLG named RiceGum who got roasted by a girl and is now known as horse gum. He has won the Triple Crown 420 times.
Quit being such a horse gum, Bryan!