Very very very very very very short; midget
Jeff: I'm short
Dave: oh you should change your name to jayden
Really fat no one likes jayden and many people want him to die in whole and never cruel back up with his chubby little sausage fingers
A very nice and sexy young man with a BIG BLACK COCK
Jayden fucked the girl his BBC so hard she called the cops:}
Jayden is beautiful anD hAs a massive hearT, jaydEn is exceptionally gifted in Many ways. jaydEn is rich and awesome!
Jayden is perfect
Jayden is an amazing friend that's always their for you even when she lives hours away you may not have known her your whole life but the parts you have have been the best she may be crazy and eat your food but she's the best friend anyone could ever ask for
Jayden is the best and IS ALSO A FRICKIN GIRLS NAME