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kandy kid

the most happiest and greatiest people put on earth! they wear beads(also called candy) and smile at everyone... they are the bestiest ravers

I met this cute kandy kid at the rave i went to last weekend.

by Becca November 16, 2003

161๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

drama kid

Someone who participates in any or all available theatre/drama productions. To be a true drama kid, one must fit most or all of the following criteria:

-Eccentricity by the truckload
-A flair for the dramatic
-One or more signature sounds not traditionally associated with the English language (a purr, a gurgle, etc.)
-An overactive imagination
-An addiction to some substance, usually caffeine
-Many inside jokes with fellow cast members
-No sense of awkwardness (ex. no aversion to having members of the opposite sex see you undressed/help you dress)
-A sense of humor
-A knowledge of the best coffee shop within walking (or driving, if applicable) distance of the school

Sue: "Hey Bob, can you help me get these clothes off? I'm in a rush."
Bob: "Sure thing."
Sue: "Isn't it a little odd that neither of us find this remotely sexual?"
Bob: "Nah, we're drama kids. By the way, party at the coffe shop after tear down."

by BarbecueSauce February 1, 2009

72๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

candy kid

Plur Raver enjoys happy hardcore techno loves beads. Happy almost all the time. E-Tard drug of choice is extasy. Enjoys meeting new people and encourges people to attend raves.

a candy kid isTeenage Raver dressed in bright colors dancing all night to happy harcore handing out bead braclets

by Toof December 25, 2005

336๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž

Rez kid

A person who has lived on a first nation reservation for their whole or most of their life.

quit acting like a rez kid and get out of the mud!

by Monass October 21, 2021

24๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

hype kid

someone who buys indie jumpers, wear's obey snap-back's and tie up hoodies just cause everyone else is. Hype kids usually carry a skateboard but usually cant skate very well. They also tend to like Tyler the creater and usualy post ODWGKTA as Facebook statuses.

hey look at that a jack kid hes bait
ahhh i know dude and that Owen there such a hype kid's man

by longleggedportorican February 17, 2012

29๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž

hollister kid

Hollister has been referenced to as "the greatest cultural fraud perpetrated upon mankind", as such you can imagine the type of douche that wears their clothes on a day-to-day basis. A common "Hollister Kid" can be spotted wearing skin tight polos with popped collars, fake manboy tans, pre-ripped jeans, sandals, and an admiration for all things douche. The majority of these kids frequent beaches whilst listening/crying to Jack Johnson, Dave Mathews, or any other shitty college prep dittys. Their admiration for beaches stems from a desire to be shirtless and greasy, but above all to have credentials when broadcasting the beachey-douchey-surfer-type image. Though they all appear to be clones there are exceptions as not every individual wearing Hollister is in fact a "Hollister Kid", they can have great personalities regardless of their cliched style of attire.

In spite of this regular lack of any sensibility Hollister Kids can often be found with hot girls.
Kudos to you Hollister Kids...kudos to you

Jack: Hey whats up, my name is Jack
Hollister Kid: Hey my name is Kevin...I work at Hollister
Jack: I don't give a fuck where you work.

Pedo: Look at those attractive girls!
Yan: Forget it unless you're keen on being a douchey Hollister Kid

by Aledro January 31, 2008

97๐Ÿ‘ 28๐Ÿ‘Ž

The Chemo Kid

A hip hop artist out of Vacaville, CA...Originally from Queens, NY who is the sickest rapper alive. Literally, has non hodgkins lymphoma(CANCER).

"God damn The Chemo Kids sick son, in the hospital or in the studio pick one!"

by # 1 Chemo Kid Fan!!!! July 19, 2008

42๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž