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The hokey pokey past midnight

Another word for 'messing around' or having sex used in the movie Charlie Gordan.

"Charlie do you have a girl up there? What have I said about doing the hokey pokey past midnight!?"

by Cal3d0nl0cal August 1, 2016

Midnight Accounting

1. Changing the books to hide shit.

2. Doing things and the wrong things at the last minute.

3. Hiding more shit and dunp it on someone else.

4. Combine all three by adding some hincky shit.

1. Man, this client is so fucked and owes a shitton to other people. Time to do some midnight accounting.

2. Quick! The tax man is coming. You done with the midnight accounting?

by Biff Stephenson April 13, 2023

Midnight Racing: Tokyo

Midnight Racing is a game on the massive platform Roblox where users can select from over 100 cars. The game features 5 maps. The game also features many customization options for vehicles that support them.

"ay bru wanna play midnight racing: tokyo?"
"sure man"

by amongus sussy November 20, 2021


Someone who turns 21 at the club and can drink after that

We have a midnighter

by Journey2101 September 11, 2021


Someone who turns 21 at a club and can order drinks there after

We have a midnighter

by Journey2101 September 11, 2021

midnight whistle

Anonymous blowjob from a stranger in a bathroom stall

"Be here 12 AM sharp for a midnight whistle"

by Henryjohanssen March 5, 2014

midnight haircut

Midnight Haircut is a term used to describe a late night text to your hairdresser for the purpose of sexual relations. It is only applicable if they are married and there has been no past sexual tension between the two of you. It is often a last ditch effort when the well at the watering hole is worn dry.

Drunk Guy 1: “fuck I’m so horny, I think I’m gonna ‘you up’ my barber.”

Drunk Guy 2: “haha no way, you’re going for the midnight haircut?”

Drunk Guy 1: “damn straight.”

by DonnyDancer47 December 9, 2021