Going "altima mode" - v. Adj. : acting in a manner that is both dangerous to oneself and others and is identified by a lack of regard for public safety.
"Damn, that dudes going altima mode! You see him push over that lady and her kids?!?"
A state of being in which one feels the urge to be sneaky, or commit secretive acts. This state can be entered purposefully, to accomplish a goal, or happen unconsciously.
I am super hungry, I might go rat mode and eat my roommate’s leftovers.
saying sicko mode with a lithp
john: hey mike that was so cool what you did
mike tyson: yea dude it was thicko mode
Another statement for Depression Mode
Fuck! I lost 10 bucks. DP mode activated!
Did you break up? How dp are you?
What's wrong? Are you dp?
When a woman knows she has a bunch of people simping on their knees for her, and she starts demanding ridiculous things or an aristocratic treatment from them. Mostly used when you're at the end-game with a girl, because nobody actually wants to put up with the dumb shit she's demanding.
Women typically go queen mode when they already lost complete interest in somebody, but they still like to toy around with them. Mostly this happens when another more alpha male is in the game and you've become the beta cuck.
"I was so close to fucking her upside down this weekend, but for some reason she went full queen mode on me."
-"Ah you're so gullable man, you never had a chance!"
what people go on their friends' moms.
-bro, I went fucko mode on your mom last night.