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Bum rat

A person who is being really annoying

damn noah is being such bum rat today

by I will kill April 9, 2020

benefit bum

From the UK. Usually aged 18-25, shops at lidl or aldi, lives off government benefits in a council flat in Leeds, has three cheating exes and some have 5 children for the carers allowance money.

The females sometimes have big boobies in order to feed all their kids.

Heavy smoker, highly unattractive and obese, eats ready meals for every meal and washes it down with a 3 pound bottle of wine from the corner shop, has a very unoriginal British name like Sarah or Kai.

A certain comedian I don't know the name of made a song about this. Look up "shopping in lidl song"

A: Sigh. Sharon is such a benefit bum.
T: I know, right? I saw her nicking a lil tots push iron to pay for her ciggies.

A: Oye Oye!! Bloody hell that was my bike I'm gonna bloody kill her!

by TheSwaggyHobo November 29, 2019

Bum's Luck

A term for when a person does something so incredibly dumb in the attempt to be funny or do something stupid for the hell of it, actually succeeds in the task even if it wasn't possible.

Friend #1: *flies off a cliff in a video game and doesn't take fall damage*
Friend#2: What?! how did you not die?
Friend#1: gotta be Bum's Luck haha

by BlouJay April 4, 2022

Bum Grubs

Worms. Intestinal worms.

Look at that dirty little prick over there scratching his arse, he must have Bum Grubs (ass maggot or arse maggot). He laid a turd and it was crawling with Bum Grubs.

by Jimmy B from Oz December 22, 2009

Bum Skeezy



by A.BROWN July 22, 2009

slanty bum

When a female has straight back with little to no ass at all. The ass appears to be one with the thighs.

Judy had a big booty but Sarah has a slanty bum.

by byrdmanjenkins April 4, 2015

parm bum

A parm bum is basically a saggy buttock that looks like someone took a chicken parmesan and lifted it up sideways so that all the sauce and cheese slid off slowly. This is what a parm bum looks like.

Manager: I was gonna tap that ass last time but then my employee had a parm bum so I had to get out of that warehouse.
Random Stranger: What?????? Weird flex but okay.

by EWITSACHEEGRUM November 28, 2018