You think that watch web drama instead of tv drama
me watching web drama at school without my teacher getting mad
The act of seeking drama in every situation , twisting the truth to create a better story. Commonly associated with people who live boring lives and live off others drama.
That girl is such a Drama Digger
A person who rejects his own's peoples values, policies and society and who loudly seeks public attention while promoting the cause of his own side's enemies. A useful idiot who is an attention whore.
We went to the solidarity rally, but a bunch of drama Quislings were protesting us and calling us fascists.
When you happen to see a play (traditional drama) which has absurd plot and confusing characters.
Last night, I saw a French drama and it was literally down to straight stupid story with poor narration. It will bag the Drama Enigma award of the year.
People who lie lots on YouTube they donate to themselves under troll accounts to trick their supports to donate to them Jodi pretends she’s with Chris but their not dating Chris is an obsessed looser Jodi looks like monsters inc Library Lady
Chris and Jodi faking It all drama rehab is drama lies
drama queen is the synonym of the name francesca
omg you see her? she’s like francesca! a drama queen!!
A drama queen is somebody who is over dramatic about everything. Berry is a drama queen.
''Omg you're such a drama queen,stop whining''