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hit single

A popular song on the billboards. Can be good songs other than just pop songs. Can also be very overated and/or overplayed songs.

Good hit singles: the killers mr. Brightside,oasis wonderwall, white stripes seven nation army. Green day boulavard of broken dreams. Lady gaga just dance (a pop song but atually good) Overated and overplayed: u2 one love,coldplay viva la vida, green day wake up when september ends, lil wayne lolipop

by sage thunder April 25, 2010

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Hitting curbs

Hitting curbs definition: when you’re a dumbass and try to drift your 2010 civic and smack a curb with anyone of your wheels.

Hitting curbs: Oh look that Dumbass tried to drift his civic and smacked a curb again, what a loser!

by Mayo554 March 22, 2022

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Jumpers Hit It

Literally, "Jumpers Hit It" is a command used in the US Army Airborne community to initiate the "Hit It" exercise. It is a drill used to familiarize jumpers with the action of activating the reserve parachute if they feel no opening shock after a 4 second count.

In Airborne lore, "Jumpers Hit It" is a classically common tramp stamp tattoo among female parachute riggers and female paratroopers in general.

The "Jumpers Hit It" tattoo is an iconic representation of everything that is desirable in the character and persona of a truly successful female paratrooper. She is bold. She has a twisted sense of humor on par with that of her male counterparts. She is without inhibitions sexually. Most importantly, her intrinsic level of comfort with her debaucherous drunken exploits with many many partners is so ingrained into her personality, she thinks a permanent indicator of that, tattooed on her body is funny as hell.

>> Dude have you ever actually seen a girl who had the Jumpers Hit It tattoo??

>> Nah but I saw pictures of it in the books in several tattoo shops around Fort Bragg, NC..so I know at least some girls out there have to have it..

by ABN_PMPN505 June 18, 2011

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hit the deuces

(to) call for help in a U.S. federal prison (from prison guard radio code "222")

"I'm gonna come in hard, pull you off of him, hit the deuces." - Justified, S04E08 "Outlaw"

by poslfit August 31, 2013

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Hit a bomb

To hit a bomb is to hit a homerun in baseball- a high flying no doubter. If it's out of the stadium, that's an atomic bomb.
The word bomb refers to when your bat hits the ball so hard it creates a sense of an explosion, or maybe refers to the crowd exploding when you hit it- whichever it is doesn't matter as long as you're hitting bombs all day.

Quote from one of the greatest baseball players to walk the face of the earth, Domingo Ayala, "so its up for you to decide, to be da tablesetter and ground ball or line drive or if you want to get paid da big bucks, you want to hit a bomb erry tyne. just remember, perfect make practise."

by 360noscope420blazeit October 6, 2016

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hit that nod

The typical nod that a human being would make towards a female, indicating that they'd want to hit that.

Woo, that's one fine ass bitch. *hit that nod*

by Rapier 1 August 7, 2008

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hit stun

Hit stun, in fighting games, is the period of time in which a character is unable to do anything beside direction influence and teching after being hit by an attack. The amount of time it takes to recover from being stunned depends on the attack.

Hit stun is essential in combos because you need to be able to consecutively hit your opponent without them being able to escape or interrupt you.

The attack had so much hit stun, I couldn't even get back on my feet before he blew me off stage.

by Huu December 27, 2013

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