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Pack his office

Fuck a dude in the butt

How was your night ? it was long he let me pack his office

by garant247 January 14, 2018

Texas Police Officer

A sex act where you take off your clothes and then sit in bed checking your phone for an hour and a half, and then eventually some other dude walks in and does the job for you.

Man, I couldn't be bothered having sex last night, so I did the Texas police officer

by Kerrangutan May 29, 2022

Penguins Run the Office

"Penguins Run the Office" is a term coming from a song seen in OK Play, a mobile application for children. The scene within which this term originates from features the player's character moving around the office that is run by penguins.

(Singer): "We run the office, penguins run the office"
(Normal person): "Please shut up"

by Cookieboy 2005 March 4, 2022

Chief Head Officer

A woman (or more rarely a man) who finds him or herself near the top of the corporate ladder for no other reason than aptitude for performing and willingness to perform sexual favors.

Damn, that girl got the history department award, and is somehow president of the club the history teacher sponsors? She’ll make a fine Chief Head Officer someday.

by justlikemydearpapa July 28, 2021

Office temperature gauge

How do you know if the office AC is set too low? Look across at your female coworker in the thin top with no bra

I knew that fuckin’ AC had been set too low by the IT contractor basement dwelling cockwomble sat by the photocopier. The Office temperature gauge was showing somewhere between chapel hat pegs and Monkey’s thumbs!

by Dogburster Big Bolox June 2, 2021

fun prevention officer

A person, usually a significant other, who is often seen as the quasher of fun during what should be a fun day or night out.

Often referred to as an FPO.

I would be keen to go to this event and more than happy to leave the “Fun Prevention Officerat home!

by bananacrisp April 13, 2019

Chief Chief Officer

Used when a persons job title is bullshit. For example in certain corporations everyone seem to be directors of something, in other words they are Directors of Nothing or Chief Chief Officers.

“Hello, I am the Director of Direct Marketing.”
“Hello, Yes I am also a Director of Direct Marketing but for Sustainable Solutions.”

Temps watching from afar: “God they are such Chief Chief Officers.”

by Not a Chief Chief Officer May 19, 2023