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A guy who is super bad. Plays hypickle and is also really bad at that.

Stop being an Oven.

by Ovenisbad August 1, 2021


A deadly kitchen appliance that can severely damage fingers that get in the way while turning sausages. It is often documented that only "half of the oven" falls down and injures a finger during the sausage turning ceremony, however people have reported to have had a whole oven fall on their finger and sometimes even their brain stem.

(half of) the oven annihilated Azriel's finger

by oveninventor August 13, 2018


A spicy refrigerator

1: "aye man can you throw that 'za in the oven?
2: "what's an oven"
1: "it's a spicy refrigerator my wigga"
2:" damn man that's saucin ok"

by SaucyThiccBoi November 15, 2018


Something that you cook in

Just put it in the oven

by Esmai boyt April 30, 2022


Something that you put food in and it heats up ⬆️!

Can you put the oven on please?”

by Esmai boyt October 9, 2022


That thing your mom and Dad uses to make food hot. They told you to do it but you were too lazy.

Mom; "Honey can you get the pizza out of the oven,"
You; "But mom why can't you do it, this is is why dad left you,"

by BellRose369 February 5, 2019


To warm something in the oven.

Pizza rolls come out soggy being microwaved, you gotta ovenate them to get that crisp.

by DeMullet September 13, 2016