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Hood Rat

1. 1. A person (usually a female) who exhibits a trashy or triflin demeanor. Their appearance and hygiene is usually unkempt and they are very promiscuous and often don’t use protected sex. They can be aggresive and are usually found in the β€œghetto” (a car wash or park) or other poor environments (usually on the front porch) being unproductive to society living off Gov. aid. These type people are content with how they live and enjoy getting high and drunk on a regular bases. A female hood rat will be dressed wearing: store brought, colored, contact lenses, house shoes or flip flops; a nappy, blond or red weave; tasteless, faded and cut-up short shorts, a revealing top or jersey dress, and plastered with tattoos of baby daddies. A male hood rat will be dressed wearing: a funk that will knock your socks off; an Xtra long white dirty t-shirt big enough to cover a bed mattress; big heavy duty boots or 100 dollar tennis shoes (he probably spent his entire check to buy) and a plaque infested gold grill. Not all black people act like that, neither do people who live in impoverished environments! Some of them want out!

1. Did you see Shaniqua at the park yesterday girl? Umm hmm, she looked a hot mess dancing in front of all those guys with that skirt on with no panties in the middle of winter, a hood rat!

2. Dude, Dexter smelt so bad in the club the other night, high as hell, jumping around with that t-shirt on covered in ketchup stains trying to fight everybody who walked through the door. He a hood rat; you couldn’t pour class on his big lipped ass.

by Uppidybitch January 17, 2007

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Rat Brain

When a dude stretches his scrotum tightly to one testicle and displays it. He could put it right next to a sleeping person's face, for instance. You could also just tightly wrap it to two testicles.

Dude, get your rat brain out of my face.

by Joe W. October 10, 2004

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Crap Rat

When one takes a crap on a rat and then throws it at a girl. Before throwing the rat, one often spins it while holding the tail and then throws it.

Guy 1: Ooooh shit, whats wrong with that girl?
Guy 2: Ewww man, she looks like she was crap rat'd all night.

Example 2:
Guy 1: That broad is a bitch
Guy 2: You know what she needs?
Guy 1: Whats that guy 2?
Guy 2: That bitch needs to get brought back down to earth with a few crap rats to the face.
Guy 1 and 2: Let's go get some rats

by Kid Bobby + Whooo Kid Willy April 14, 2009

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Hood Rat

Mostly used towards females that live in the hood and love it. They will probably live in the hood forever, don't wanna leave & probably have never left the hood. If you come across one, they will know where to find anything in the hood- drugs, candy lady, the lady that sells clothes, and they know everyone's business. Not all hood rats are dirty, they pay very low rent or live with a parent or family member so they can afford to "stay fresh". Most of them are freaks, have slept with all the neighborhood guys, all it take is a blunt or a bottle/cup of liquor, but if this particular one is ugly, all it takes is a few words.

Hey, go ask that hood rat who the police was looking for yesterday

by Slick Ms T November 4, 2010

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Foot Rat

An alternative derogatory term for the younger generation in order to identify a grimey black individual with an attempt to not corrupt our youth. The words foot and rat placed together referring to a bottom feeder in society.

Look at that Foot Rat lurking and stealing, what do you expect.... can't expect much.

by Big Daddy Pak December 11, 2017

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Rat Fink

Classic Dingus

That Rat Fink leaked our info to the public again!

by Kenzo_Representative December 7, 2021

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casino rat

Word to describe a person found in a casino that cannot afford to be there. Casino rats smell like a mixture of coffee and stale smoke and are usually wearing dirty, dingy clothing to go with their filthy hands and hair. Casino rats generally chain smoke and are frequently seen telling sob stories to random casino patrons and then asking them for money and cigarettes. They can be seen at the casino just about every day of the week and can easily be picked out when they are observed walking around aimlessly looking at the floor for dropped money, tickets, or casino chips.

That lady is a real casino rat. Every time I have been at the casino she was there wearing the same stinky clothes harassing other people for handouts.

by jackballrific October 26, 2006

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