The gay act of searching for oiled uncircumcised penis.
Me and my boyfriend Carlos are going slug hunting in Key West this weekend.
A euphamism for a man with substantial pubic hairmasterbating.
"With that '70's dick fro you don't just masterbate you slug the bigfoot"
Devoid of the necessary emotional or artistic mobility to make the slightest impact despite all efforts, if any.
Those songs sucked the first time around, you expect people to pay a cover to listen to the same slug-lame arrangement of all of them, back-to-back, for three hours?
The vaginal Secretions from a Escort after a Good night.
There are Ofen Many and they stink. (In some cases, they're Sticky.)
Escort 1: What's that creeping down Thy leg?
Escort 2: Coochie slugs...
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Slamming your erect (or not) penis into the coin insert slot of a casino slot machine. Usually is until point of orgasm rendering the machine unusable because of the mass amount of seminal fluids.
Damn, slugging a Vegas slot really hurts but hell is it funny.
The art of dragging an uncircumcised penis (damp or moist) across ones face.
The boys were wild they were slugging one another.
When you ejaculate in a female (cowgirl) and she than shifts herself from penetrative to your chest and then rubs up and down to apply the seman on your chest like a slug trail.
"Jane finally took the pill and to celebrate she was slugging up and down my chest"