The person you hit up at midnight.
Yeah he's my snap bang
General expression of shock, dismay, frustration, etc. Very versatile.
Maria: Who's that with Tanisha?
Daniela: Snap and a half, it's your boyfriend!
When somebody casually snaps a photo with no intention or motivation of getting it to look perfect, but it turns out to be absolutely perfect in every way. From the lighting to the angle, it's all perfect by pure chance.
Friend A: *goes around with their DSLR and snaps hundreds of pics of the scenery*
Friend B: *not really interested in the scenery and only takes one pic from their smartphone*
Friend A: Hey check out the photos I took!
Friend B: Ooooo nice, they look so beautiful!
Friend A: What pictures did you take?
Friend B: Eh just one, wasn't really paying attention to the scenery tbh
Friend A: Oh, well wanna show them?
Friend B: Yeah sure
Friend A: ...WTH?!?? Dude your photo is SO much better looking than mines!
Friend B: Haha really? I mean, I literally just took one randomly, I didn't even preview it afterwards.
Friend A: Damn, that serendipitous snap tho!
Alternative name for dick pics.
I'm sick of receiving unsolicited cock snaps!
An alphabet snap is the lesser known name for the snaps that occasionally fall at the end of an intense sentence. The commonly known "Z-snap" happens to be just one of 26 alphabet snaps.
Other favorites include the "V-snap" where the hand makes a "V" in the air while snapping once at the base and again at the tip of the "V." At this point, the snapper looks up in the direction of the snap as if the line continues into the sky. The longer they stare, the more intense the snap. This snap says "you don't even know what just happened." At this point, it is appropriate for the snapper to get up and walk away to revel in their glory. The snappee is left in a state of total mindfuck.
The "W-snap" includes two hands. The hands start in the middle and and at the same time snap at the bottom two points and then again at the tips. When the snapper finishes he gives the snappee a look of utter pwnage. This snap says "you wish you didn't know what just happened!"
Person 1: *Performs a V-snap alphabet snap and looks into the air for 7 seconds as if his V was continuing forever, looks at Person 2, then walks away*
Person 2: *Dies*
It means to lick syrup and spit it on your m8 while giving a blowjob.
Person#1: Please give me another gooey Gibble snaps bae!
Person#2:We ran out of syrup though but whatever ill just use organic aloe
Person#3: *fap noises*
When you drink syrup and spit it on your mate during intercourse coating them in a sticky warm spit but also giving them a hickey
Person#1: OH please give me another gibble snaps please!
Person#2:But we ran out of syrup