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Dirty Spam Sand-which

Intercourse where spam is applied as lube. As the woman is lubing the man with mushed up spam, the man blindfolds himself. He then blindly thrusts, hopping to hit the vagina, but often entering the anus.

Guy 1: Dirty Spam Sand-which golf? whoever gets the most in out of ten wins.

Guy 2: Okay, Loser pays 10 bucks.

Guy 1: Now we need a hoe

by The creepy cafeteria woman April 14, 2012


These people falsley are accused of only being from the South, but in fact they have spread to all parts of the country.

They can be found in California, but can also be referred to as 909'ers (reference to the area code).

These people can have a Bar-B-Que and serve SPAM fresh off the que.

They also quite often live in mobile home parks, but may also just periodically LIVE out of an RV trailer (when a job is lost or if the restraining order requires they move).

Me: Are you going to Zek's Bar-B-Que at the double-wide? I heard the restraining order expired and he is celebrating getting back together with the EX.

You: Yeah, but this time I hope he doesn't burn the SPAM. It left black chunks in the tater salad. It was a total Spam-Suckin'-Trailer-Trash mistake!

by Hockey Mama July 16, 2009

enough commie spam

A place on reddit where people argue using the belief system that all solutions are invalid. Therefore their arguments are always valid - while accomplishing nothing and presenting no actual alternatives to communism.

This meme has a theory behind it. I'm going to go mock it on Enough Commie Spam without providing a better alternative to a stateless and classless society. Better dead than read!

If I don't choose a solid position I can easily win any argument on Enough Commie Spam.

by comradenanuq December 3, 2016

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Spam N word Day

January 1st. You are permitted to spam the N word in any discord server without consequences.

Hey Bro I can't wait to spam the N word during Spam N word Day!

by Doctor Felix Marquez December 22, 2020

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

dictionary spamming

1.When people spam Urban Dictionary with the names of people they are oh so in love with because they love them that much and Urban Dictionary users will definitely recognize their name and realize how great they are even though it is SO FUCKING ANNOYING having to vote down every single name instead of looking at actual interesting slang words
2. Racist people submitting "definitions" such at "hitlerdidnothingwrong" or "Holocaust: something that never happened." Seriously, you fucking racist assholes, you need to get a life beyond denying a horrible event that has countless evidence to prove it happened.

Ugh, I'm trying to vote for some words but people keep dictionary spamming this thing.

by Aiamai The AI Robot June 4, 2015

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Non-Profit Spam Organization

A person who sends many e-spams, aka non-profit spams.

Damn it! Lydia sent me another e-spam... She's a regular Non-Profit Spam Organization

by bunytou January 28, 2011

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Spam your Girlfriends Phone Day

Nov 10- all boyfriends should spam their girlfriends phone telling them how much they love them and what they mean to them.

Spam your Girlfriends Phone Day means- โ€œGirl my boyfriend just sent me a long paragraph of how much he loves me.Girl i love this manโ€

by yogirljass! November 9, 2020