1. Insult. A person (usually a woman) with low cultural tastes and interests, poor education, and inflated sense of self worth; a trashy person who is vaguely bagel shaped.
2. A social leech who thinks they are contributing to society; a person who gloats about their non-efforts as immeasurable while belittling others so as to derail and steal from them; a mooch.
Name is such a trash bagel! She gave grandma a big sob story about her break up and not being able to afford rent and then used the money to get fillers and go outlet shopping.
The act of warming up a bagel, spreading cream on it, and proceeding to have intercourse with it.
After whipping them nando boys ass, i went home to my lovely burg bagel.
Losing a game without scoring a single point
"Remember when Jon's team got bagelled at sectionals?"
When your partner gives it to you in the ass, but they have herpes
Yo dude that sex was fire. Literally I've got a burning bagel.
A place of gambling, addiction and ridicule. You'll hate it and love it at the same time. Once there you'll get tainted but accept it.
"Dude, I just visited the Bagel Sect and..."
The act of diddling ones bung hole
Ashley: Excited for your date tonight?
Ben: Imma Blow her mind and finagle the bagel 🥯
Ashley: *whispers under breath* You never finagle my bagel....
When you're doing a girl or guy from behind and you see poop on their ass.
Yea, I hit that but she had a painted bagel.