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Fox bean

Fox beans are some of the cutest things in the world along with ferret noodles. They have puffy fwuffy tails and can come in many beautiful colors. They have a long snoot, perfect for boops and nuzzles. fox beans can be classified into two categories, the Elusive Wild Bean and the Domesticated Bean. Please remember you can only keep Domesticated Beans if they are too sick or scared to go back to the wild. The Elusive Wild Bean roams free in the wilderness, catching small mammals and rodents for food. If you ever see a fox bean in the wild, do not scare it. Marvel at its beauty and cuteness. One more note: NEVER KILL A FOX BEAN FOR ITS FUR/FLOOFS!!!

Omg!!! It's a fox bean!! So cute!!

by 1nf1n1te w1sdom May 12, 2021

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Light Fox

When you accidentally drink too much pepsi and become a fox, you be fox light

yeah he light fox

by DangerDangerous October 29, 2019

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frivolous fox

A girl that licks ears for fun. Often screams when she dies in PUBG.

Have you seen that frivolous fox? Yeah she bit my ears off

by dunnowhy June 30, 2017

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Shadow fox

An awesome sniper on Fortnite

Have you seen shadow fox on Fortnite

by OTS_Shadow fox July 27, 2018

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silver fox

One with silver hair who commands the Great Oaks Police Academy. This animal is known to walk around elusively.

Silver fox

by farrot April 22, 2010

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Pocket fox

A small attractive lady

My God, she is quite a little pocket fox.

by Matt January 20, 2004

24๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž

sly fox

An individual, with hacker tendencies or a hacker mindset (eg: JeffK who is not a haxx0r but a computar consultant!!!!11) that achieves most goals or resolves conflicts using devious means.

"Taht sly fox Mistar Stassi has rebooted my computar."

"Bill Gates is a sly fox for making so much money and not making a stable Windows." LAWSUIT!

by Stasis AMK3 August 15, 2003

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