...we dont talk about it
Perma (me): pops Arcstaff
Me: get actually railed by a slug/melee
Rat: Nice Arcstaff Perma
If someone has a nice shite pipe, they have a tidy-as-fuck hole, in which someone would love to ram their bear cock up
Thomas: Jesus Christ, she'd get it, she has a nice shitepipe
Me: the fuck is a shite pipe?
Thomas: the hole, just the hole
A phrase that usually refers to a person's ass starting from the top of the ass and runs all the way down the legs to the toes. Sort of like the Mississippi river.
The girl with the pink shirt has a nice mississippi.
The type of person who says that people from the lgbt+ community are groomers,pedos and sex offenders,while they themselves want to fuck kids,steal little girl's clothing and act creepy towards girls
In general terms,an unhinged person who projects themselves to others,especially their shifty parts of themselves and taking credit for the bare minimum,and whining about why the world doesn't resolve around him.
The name "nice beardcell" derives from another 3 types of people:incels,neckbeard and nice guys.All of them are creepy and sexists to am extent,some are moderately sexist and creepy,others are creeping and being sexists of the charts
Jonh:these doodoo people want to beat foids!
Markella:*moves away from him*
Jonh:*stalks her,to the point of murdering Markella*
A cop Mr.Zholtz,you're a convicted necrophilic murderer
Jonh:No I'm not.poo animals are
Cop:Mr.Zholtz,you're not allowed to throw away the blame on others,nor to be a hateful douchebaggy dickheaded shitheading jackass
*the cop sents him to jail*
Someone who selects who their nice to
Sometimesw based on status
Or what they can get from person
Mrs.smith is selectively nice to people who shes can get something from look at her being nice to that guy so he can carry something heavy for her
A ruthless tyrant who heads a large organized crime family known for his wicked chirp and merciless ways. Has brought nothing but the beak and talon to the death of all those who oppose or are "bad for business". All so in the guise of a harmless caged cockatiel
They knew it was best to pay homage to Walt Nice, fearing his malicious wrath.