Silas you gotta give me ten bucks
When GPS says it'll take 20-30min to get somewhere but a native Jersey driver will always see that as a challenge and make it there in 10min, or a Jersey "10"
Synonymous with a Jersey "Five" for what GPS claims will take 15-20min, etc.
Jack: Why didn't you leave yet, I'm 30min away from you?
Joe: F*ck the GPS. I'll be there in a Jersey "Ten".
When a man can't get the shit done himself, you give him up to a ten finger assist
You can't cum honey? Let me give you a ten finger assist.
A mishearing (possibly due to accent) of the word Timbuktu, a city in Mali, Western Africa. Once a major trade city but now used colloquially to refer to a hard to get to and/or remote location.
See also: Boonies, Sticks, B(um/utt)F(*ck)?(<City>/<State>/<Country>/Nowhere), Middle of nowhere
"Why'd you have park all the way in Ten buck two(Timbuktu)?"
"Are you and the boys going fishing(drinking) in Ten buck two(Timbuktu) this weekend?
When someone’s got you fucked up. Drilling tf out of someone until they admit they are wrong or give you your belongings back.
Being very aggressive and persistent towards a liar or thief in order to retain the truth and your belongings.
I’m standing on all ten toes.
That bitch stole my phone so I’m going ten toes deep. Balls to the wall.
can be used for everything
what did u eat today? ten.
do you like like my new sunglasses? ten.
what do you wear? ten.
how long have you been waiting? ten.
do you smoke? ten.
Thai god and also a member of the korean boygroup NCT. So beautiful, talented, sweet and charming that you could cry.
Damn who is that talented young beautiful man?
It's Ten Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul!!