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dress over the ass wasted

When a female is so drunk, she does not care that her dress has ridden up so much that her entire ass is exposed. Even if you inform her, she will do nothing to fix it...probably responding with something along the lines of "you like it".
Only counts if she's wearing a thong or nothing.

*girl goes running down the street with a foot of ass hanging out from her dress (or what was once a dress).*

1: "Check out that girl! She's dress over the ass wasted!"
2: ( to girl) "Hey, I can see your ass!"
Girl: "You like it!"

by ASBU March 20, 2010

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School -- waste of my life

just like the first one, school was a waste of my life, too.
i learned i was dumber than everyone, that people only hate who's different for no reason and that drugs make money just like prostitutes do - because nobody cares and if you're not a somebody already, then no one will ever care until college. Actually college was OK. But nobody cared, just the independence and chance to succeed was OK. But I failed. So it was a waste of my life.

A-Why don't you go to school there, boy? Make something of yourself.
B-Great idea! Thaaanks.
A-I'm kidding, you fag. Suck my dick for cash instead.
B-Asshole, and you call yourself government. School -- waste of my life.
(Based on a true story)

by live to 100 anyway June 8, 2010

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waste of taxpayer money

When something seems like extraneous or unnecessary effort to do something.

My 50-year-old dad just got carded at the grocery store for buying beer! Now that's just a waste of taxpayer money.

by crazyhalibut February 18, 2011

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Come on now people as URINATING AND DEFECATING sometimes PUKING.

No you don't WASTING TIME HERE spitting and blowing your nose as PISSING , SHITTING and sometimes VOMITING you do BUTT for all good reason and to be honest with you , it does make you feel better and to that end that is time well spent

by INSERT CAREFULLY September 5, 2021

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Don't waste my time

Often exclaimed by individuals who are being f**ked around with by someone. This could include a guy leading you on.

He bailed on me again last night so I told him "Don't waste my time" and hung up the phone.

by Thebombdiggiti March 18, 2018

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you wasting my minutes

When you call someone who is on pay as you go and talk non-stop!

On Contract: Yo dawg, whats really good son?
What are you sayin maaaaaaan?

No Minutes: Wtf you want, you wasting my minutes bitch.

by Got No Minutes March 2, 2009

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wasting my daytime minutes

When you are either bored with a conversation you're having with someone or just want to end it you tell the person"you're wasting my daytime minutes."

It refrences a limited amount a minutes you can use on your cell phone often refered to as anytime or daytime minutes but applies it to conversation in this case.

Stop bugging me, your wasting my daytime minutes.

I'm almost out of daytime minutes, so this conversation has to end soon.

by downwithgilmore July 13, 2009

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