Euphemism for masturbation.
Person 1: "Wanna go to the mall?"
Person2: "No sorry, I gotta go taunt the one-eyed weasel."
A person so driven by pussy meaning all of their daily thoughts are about pussy, the next time they’ll get pussy, or who they’ll screw over to get more pussy. In summary, a person who will betray the homies to get a crumb of pussy from a girl. Someone who “weasels” their way into pussy.
Yo Matt is such a pussy weasel, he told Abby the secret I told all you guys so he could try to get with her
A friend that will hit on a girl who's sitting on your bed and slide his number to her or any woman while your in the same room but try to hide it while not being ok with you doing the same.
My buddy Mark is a "pussy weasel", keep your girl on your
A term for a male penis. Defined as a long, slender, aggressive creature that likes to bury itself in a tight warm hole.
Chris McCallion from Hull, Massachusetts couldn’t control his Pussy Weasel after he unzipped his jeans, Sarah Sullivan from Cohasset, Massachusetts was excited after Chris’s Pussy Weasel found refuge in her tight warm hole.
Person who weasels out of fun shit because they are a pussy (weasel) Pussy-Weasel
“Hey you wanna sneak onto this movie set?”
“I can’t I’m scared and I also happen to be a pussy weasel”
One who saves money by cutting out cable but mooches off of others streaming services without reciprocating.
Can you believe that stream weasel brags about saving tons of money but then asks if he can have my login for Disney plus?
a tall and skinny female. when naked, the ribcage and spine are easily noticable through the skin. characteristics usually include chicken fillet breasts and long dangly limbs.
A polite way of saying "your a bone bag, but i'll nail you"
matt: hey check that skeletal bird out!
spencer: i'd rattle her bones... foxy weasel!