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Blade Frank

The epitome of badass. When these to words are joined together, whatever is being described, instantly becomes ten times more intense and thrilling.

Person 1: "Hey maaaaaaaan, did you check that new Hilary Duff film?"
Person 2: "Hell ya bro, that feature presentation was so Blade Frank."

by LeGiTNuS September 26, 2011

Ole Frank

When one passionately kisses a call girl after goin down on her.

Had a great time last night with that call girl, ended up giving her the Ole Frank after goin down on her. So far no symptoms have shown.

by TheMan769 April 7, 2021

Frank Tupelo

A very hot and attractive, nice smelling math teacher who also likes to travel, known as a tourist. He is obsessed with maths and making his students blush with his facial expressions, smirks and gazes. He prefers to be called Sir or Mr. Tupelo in class but if you ever call him master make sure you have good running shoes on. He was a criminal in the past and is very rich. Make him spaghetti and he'll marry you and he always wears suits. Warning this man can damage your brain forever with his haunting smirks... and can pop up in your dreams or thoughts...

Bailey: "I secretly wish frank tupelo is my math teacher.."

Liva: "Did you know that his real name is Alexander Pearce?"

by Mr.GoInMyCloset March 15, 2016

budda frank

A form of sighing. such as "oh brother" "oh boy" "jesus" "jeez".

bobby: hey, hows it going?
john: im ok! how about you?
bobby: ahhh, i gave my girlfriend an angry dragon...then she slaped me. *sigh*
john: OHHH BUDDA FRANK. that sucks!!!

by TheRealAZN May 28, 2010

Frank Moreno

Frank Moreno, aka FrankSinatra, is the greatest mother fucking friend ever. He is a kind, caring, funny, and smart guy. He's the kind of person to lend a helping hand when you're down and make you happy ever. When he walks into a room, the mood goes from bad to good. He's an amazing friend and the closest thing we have to a Baby Jesus. He cannot be replaced by anyone. Love you homie 🖤

Everyone could use someone like Frank Moreno in their life; he makes everything great, even in bad situations.

by WordyWeirdo07 November 8, 2019

Frank Wiltshire

Often categorized as Gilky this is specimen beyond all belief as he battles with cluelessness and a harsh allergy to Milk known as lactose intolerance

Frank Wiltshire, Ran into a wall because he forgot bricks were solid.

by Munchfu February 14, 2023

Crank Frank

When a girl meets a guy who is considered a loser and is rejected by society but goes out with him anyways and discovers that is a actually the greatest guy and the 2nd best sex she ever had

"I so glad I ended up with a Crank Frank! He is the best sex I ever had, with the exception of Tom Brady"

"I am so in love with Crank Frank, he makes me feel safe, alive and as if I was a princess; and he's actually better than my old vibrator!"

by StucKinModeratioN December 20, 2016