Source Code

mouse trap

When a guy is getting head, he says somthing like "Oh S*** what's that?" and points, when the giver turns to look, they tuck the penis between there legs. When the giver returns to finish the job, you spread your legs, having the penis hit the giver in the bottom of the jaw.

I gave a girl one..She liked it? :s

by Prospect April 20, 2005

114πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž

thirst trapping

The act of looking very attractive to the opposing gender to lead them on to rejection

"Bruh did you see that pic lil junt posted on IG with them lil shorts" yehhh mane she thirst trapping.. Knowing she has a boyfriend

by D1Gillespie July 20, 2014

6925πŸ‘ 5295πŸ‘Ž

Beez in the trap

The act of applying Burt's Bees chapstick to the lids of one's eyes. The resulting effect produces a cool, stinging sensation, which feels great on the eyeballs, but produces a deep burn on the eye-lids. Beezers are often underground about their craft and will kill a snitch.

Yo dog let's go beez.
I'm beezed out of my fucking mind right now, man.
Let's go beez in the trap! Nicki Minaj ain't got shit on this.

I'm beezing so hard.
Dude, you got the beez?
Hide the beez!

Don't forget to bring the beez!

by MasterOfBeez April 30, 2012

333πŸ‘ 234πŸ‘Ž


A car, truck a form of vehicle.

"...stuntin in my trap, rollin on gold plated dubs..."

by Carlito Gulianno July 25, 2005

6πŸ‘ 99πŸ‘Ž

CGD trap

Economic problem faced by LDCs. The problem occurs when the country tries to stimulate FDI by establishing a hard peg of its currency to that of another country (usually the US dollar). Initially, the plan may work very well, but then, as capital flows in, growth prospects deteriorate rapidly because the local currency is so strong its exports are not competitive. The country's growth slows down, and external debt soars. The government is stuck trying to defend the currency on international markets, a battle it is nearly always doomed to loose.

Term was coined by De la Torre, Levy Yeyati, and Schmukler in "Living and Dying with Hard Pegs: The Rise and Fall of Argentina’s Currency Board," *Economia*, Spring, pp. 43-107

Right from the beginning of the De la RΓΊa administration (which assumed power in December 1999), the Argentine economy was caught in a CGD trap. The currency was overvalued, growth was faltering, and the debt was hard to service.

by abu yahya June 24, 2008

15πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

booby trap

leaving a fart in a room or elevator so the next person walks right into it and gets a nice wiff.

i was on my way to the fourth floor when I booby trapped the elevator with my death gas.

by grimpin1 July 3, 2011

26πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

Trap Queen

A human female that is a straight dumb bitch. That will do about anything for money and our attention.

Hey look that bitch is such a trap queen

by Dirt_a June 6, 2015

556πŸ‘ 415πŸ‘Ž