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Hunter West

The thiccest boy in town, who also deserves the world.

Damn, you look like your tryin’ be treated like a hunter west out here

by Don’t understand February 24, 2020

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West Side

Historically knows as the shit hole of Cincinnati. All the people of the West Side are White catholic German Americans. They hate anyone who’s is not like them or isn’t part of their culture: grit, grime and alcoholism. They never leave the West Side and spend their who lives living on the West Side.

Charles: Where are you from Mike?
Hans: The West Side.
Charles: wow what shit hole.

by Normal part of the world November 22, 2018

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West Bloomfield

I have lived many places in my life, but hands down the TOWNSHIP of West Bloomfield is by far the worst place I've ever lived. Sure it's low on crime and murder, but just know those things DO happen. I was born in Detroit, raised in Southfield, and my hard working BLACK parents moved us to WB in 1992, and that changed my life.
The first kids to bully me were Chaldeans, and then Jewish, and then other Black kids. Apparently I wasn't street enough,or back enough for rich African Americans, and I was also seen as nothing but another N-word to everyone else.
My friends did come from ALL nationalities though, and if you're not pretentious, condescending, sarcastic, or a simple all around douchebag, you're NOT going to make it in West Bloomfield. Because you will not fit in.
High school was really no better.

West Bloomfield High School is divided into many Chaldeans who LOVE trying to act tough, and imitating Black & Italian stereotypes. But ironically turn very conservative. From 2pac to Trump. 🀷🏽 ♂️ It's also divided into many Jewish kids who act very haughty and snobby to everyone. And then there is African American kids, who try to act tough and imitate Black stereotypes, (Even though there parents are the hard working opposite). Let's not forget kids from Keego Harbor who may of grown up in some type of poverty or broken homes, yet they still try to to imitate black stereotypes. (Do you see a pattern here?) The rest of the kids in the school are the very quiet future Doctors and Lawyers of the world. But on the average, West Bloomfield is a microcosm of when insecurities, divorced families, status driven, "fix it with money" personalities all blend together in a Starbucks cup. The amount of drug dealers, and users are no different than any bad part of Detroit. The ONLY difference is that money helps things APPEAR to be different. So basically WB only taught me that when you have money, it doesn't mean you're a better person. It only means you can make yourself appear that you are. I hope this summary helps people understand the truth. And ever since I've left that bewildered cesspool of judgmental stares from Karen's of all types, my life has gotten better. And I've learned that being known to be genuine and kind is a better status symbol than any Range Rover.

by Phlyer September 21, 2021

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Kanye West

The best and most prolific hip-hop artist of the 21st century. He rose to prominence through producing, mostly notably for his work on Jay-Z's The Blueprint. Is Kanye an asshole? Most definitely. Is he wealthier than 99% of his detractors? Yes. Was he wrong in saying that Beyonce's video was better than Taylor Swift's? ANY RETARD CAN SEE THAT HE ISN'T. Is Kanye West a genius? Listen to Graduation or My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy (arguably the best rap album of all time, on par with Biggie's Ready to Die, Nas' Illmatic, and Jay-Z's The Blueprint,) and tell me he's not a genius. He's also got the Metascores. His honest lyrics, unique producing, and clever use of sampling has, whether anyone likes it or not, changed hip-hop music.

Kanye West is a douche bag. He's also worth millions, people still buy his music, and he's a critical darling.

by truman1955 January 21, 2012

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Out West

The Dirtiest part of Chicago known as outwest Illinois

Steve: Where you from gang?
Dj: Shiid gang out west

Steve: Boaaa yall dirty asll out there on shorty

by Pleasedonthoe May 27, 2020

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Cranston West

A school in the nicer area of Cranston Rhode Island that has rivals in the ghettoer area which happens to be Cranston East. the West kids have more money and more freedom because most of the time their parents are too busy working for more money for their children. The west kids have more money to buy "hard core drugs" instead of the east kids who barely have anything. Most of them are pussies when it comes to sports and fights are typically not very entertaining. Most of the kids are too busy playing xbox 360 to learn how to actually fight.

Did you hear that when Cranston West played against East in a basketball game, one of the East players hurt a West players ankle. He had to be carried off in a stretcher. What a pussy. Now he can go back home and play more xbox 360 and do more drugs.

by east girly May 23, 2008

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Kanye west

A rap artist whose center of hate usually comes from the fact that he blames the white man. I am white, and think he went a bit to far in doing so, but otherwise is generally correct about the things he raps for or against.

Now, to any of you who've seen my previous defs on this site, you'll know what to expect in the example.

Like kayne, i'll express my opinion in rap
Don't be hatin, even if you think kayne is crap
He went a bit far with his blame
But he holds his head high and feels no shame
anything you hear him rap about is legit
you can't fuck around with kanye's rap shit
Ain't no one rhymin like Kanye west
I don't know about you, but I think he's the best
Don't be hatin because he raps against whats wrong with society
Its people like him, that inspire people like me
listen to a bit of his rhymes
and you'll find that it was no waste of time
he's cocky, but he's got intelligence
So think for a bit, before you call kayne Arrogent

by MC911 March 12, 2006

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