When your ass is raw from the single ply toilet paper and you aren’t near a sink or any wet wipes so you ball up the toilet paper and you spit on it and wipe your raw ass to completion.
Man, I only have a few pieces left of this toilet paper so I had to give it the ol Mississippi Mud Wipe.
Typically found at a school setting he/she is that one overly formal person in the group who fantasizes about their super hot mom and is always found carrying around his trusty briefcase with witch he uses to wipe his own ass.
Man can't this wanker stop acting like a briefcase mong wipe!
A game with friends; you use the bathroom for a number 2. You are allowed to use as much toot paper as you like the only rule is you are only allowed to wipe once!.
Matt: "Hey Brodie"
Brodie: "Yeah mate"
Matt: "You just do a shit?"
Brodie: "Yeah mate"
Matt: "Do a danger wipe?"
Brodie: "Oath, still got dags hanging, was a wet one"
When u pee a lil on the toilet paper to wipe ur ass with
It was a messy situation back there and no wipes so i had to make/use a Louisiana wet wipe
When after the first wipe, the toilet paper is clean but you wipe for a second time and realise it was just an illusion. It then takes half the roll to get clean.
I had a very satisfied smile after a clean first wipe but the next revealed I had been fooled, a wipe lie!
(v) the act of sticking a wine bottle up ones anus and applying pressure to the neck of said bottle and accepting the shards in your intestines.
The party ended in all the frat boys performing the Russian wipe to impress their greek sisters.
When you bring your lap top into the bathroom with you as you take a gallient poop. You wipe it and type it!
I have to take a giant dump but really need to post a new status about my cat...I will just Wipe n' Type!