A - after
S - school
S - snacks
ima eat your After School Snacks sob
Person 1: Have you seen the new after movie, after ever happy!?!?
Person 2:OMG yes it was soooo good!!!
Death after living. Nolonger alive. By lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior ♥ 💙.
I invented and made and created the after living lbj as in Lonnie Benningfield junior ♥ 💙..
When you open your computer after a night of heavy drinking, and only then remember what sites you visited the night before.
Morning after tabs: oh yeah, THAT rabbit hole!
A quick once over of all your online accounts with the possibility of sending people messages. Mostly to make sure you didn't say anything incriminating while intoxicated.
"Let me check Facebook real quick, I have to make a quick morning after review so I know I didn't do anything I'll regret"