Camp Mataponi is a place where campers can truly be their true selves. Campers live with their sisters and green flames for 7 weeks and enjoy every moment of the this amazing place. You make memories and friendships that last a life time. Girls from 6-15 call this place their summer home. Located on Sebago Lake, Maine, there is nothing comparable to the breathtaking scenery that surrounds camp. Campers cry when they leave. They count down the days until they arrive at their happy place. Green and white link us together. Once campers leave camp, a part of them is missing. Other camps cannot compete. It is unreal how much someone can grow to love a place so much. Everyone is friends. Camp is where girls figure out who their true self is. When you come home from camp you are a completely different person. Camp teaches you the best life lessons such as responsibility and becoming an independent person. The age divisions go from Juniors to Seniors. Seniors run the camp and set an example for everybody around them. Campers look up to the Seniors. Camp Mataponi is no doubt the best place on Earth.
Camper: Camp Mataponi is the best place on Earth where I have made my best friends for a life time and have had the best times of my life.
Person: I want to go to Camp Mataponi!
The best place on earth! Every summer campers and staff come back to their summer home to make the best memories of their lives. Laurelwood is where you will meet your best friends taht you will have with you for life. If you go to camp laurelwood, you’re very lucky
You’re my place sweet escape laurelwood.
Camp laurelwood is my home away from home.
tac·ti·cal camp•ing
/ˈtaktək(ə)l/ /'kampING/
adjective noun
Tactical Camping is
1.) In fps multiplayer - the act of remaining in one spot (usually alone) with a (Sniper Rifle), (Shotgun), or any other weapon in a area waiting for enemy players to get easy points specifically CoD
Generally looked upon as a "cheap" method of gaining kills or scorestreaks.
2.) Also in Multiplayer - playing at a slower pace moving from place to place not be confused with camper or camping.
Especially if you're still learning the games modes, maps, and/or angles.
"Mark engaged in a last ditch effort to stop being constantly killed by noobs and pros alike;
while not trying to be a total camper"
So he began his "Tactical Camping" campaign to not go negative
camp saginaw is the happiest place on earth. game day to color war we all love everyday. no gossip, no drama, the only sadness is when we leave our summer home. girls and boys make friendships for life. families have been coming for years and there are more generations to come. i can’t wait to go back #waiting10for2 #campsaginaw
A dumb bitch that spits in people food and don’t got respect for nobody not even her self
Is that Hannah camp
Yes 😷
1. Women committing inconsiderate acts in public that piss most considerate normal people the fuck off, as a result of a complete willful lack of self-awareness
2. The uncontrollable urge to start an argument or "take a stand" against anything said by a man, regardless of truthfulness
See that chick over there cunt-camping and taking up 3 seats on the bus with all her crap
Camp Robindel is the most magical place on earth. It has the most beautiful sunsets and the nicest people I have ever met. Every day spent there I have created a new memory that will stick with me for the rest of my life. This is a place where you create bonds with people who are strangers at first but soon become as close as your family. Every single person is valued and gets the opportunity to shine. Camp completes me and without it I don't know where I would be in life. It has taught me every thing I know today. It taught me to overcome my fears and has taught me some of the most important things in life. Every single moment I have spent at camp Robindel has been unforgettable. Cherish every single moment there because it goes by way to fast. When the last sunset over lake winnipesaukee fades on the last night of camp just remember its never a goodbye but a see you later. ALSO, THE GIRLS OF J18 ARE THE BEST JUNIPER ROBINDEL HAS EVER SEEN. We brought back bounty!! KEEP THE ROBINDEL SPIRIT ALIVE BECAUSE THERES NOTHING MORE IMPORTANT THEN ROBINDEL TRADITIONS AND OLD CHEERS THAT NEED TO BE KEPT FOR THE NEXT ROBINDEL GENERATIONS. 03254 will forever be my happy place and second home.