Quesadilla at Taco Bell. Preferably ordered when driving throught the drive thru backwards.
Orderer: I need a beefy crunch and one case of the dills.
Worker: You want chicken or beef?
Just a regular case of the cooties
“Yo bro be careful, you don’t wanna catch a case of the coods”
Spiriling, going through a hard time.
Holy, Randy really has a case of the baddies.
When you type in all caps about sexual activity.
I was on a gay chatroom when this 35..39 year old guy had the case of the palumbos all of a sudden.
"what's that?"
When a man reaches into his anus and pulls out his intestinal lining. He then inserts his penis into the “casing” and stimulates his penis.
Did you hear about John. He got hemorrhoids after using his brown sausage casing.
"Cop a case" Termed by JLP is when an individual does something to cause a court case. This can range from anything that has to do with fighting to using violent terms.
"My moms bothering me I swear I'm finna cop a case"
To Case: When you land your bike too early on the jump (on the downslope), before the lip and you bottom out the rear suspension. Some cases could cause damage to the bike. This term was coined by Motocross riders, it originated from "landing on the crankcase" which would often result in it breaking and spilling oil, though bash guards prevent it now. It has also been adapted to other disciplines, like MTB, free ride and BMX to name a few.
It could be argued that to case a landing you don't need to bottom out, you just need to land early, or you could bottom out without landing early it could still be considered a case. I personally think both need to happen for it to be called a case.
Retaurdè: Dude you cased that so bad!
Dumas: No dude, I didn't even bottom out!
Retaurdè: Maybe, but you hit the case of the jump and nearly cracked your brand new canyon!
Dumas: Oh sod off you shithead I swear I hit perfectly!
Retaurdè: Dumbass! You clearly fucked your chainring!
Outtisti: He buttered that landing, case closed.