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Quindecuple-4C: Person who, in relation to the other person, has zero parents, zero grandparents, zero great-grandparents, zero great-great-grandparents and thirty great-great-great-grandparents in common.

My quindecuple-fourth-cousin is a good person.

by ABGR June 9, 2021

Cousin Kisser

A person who can not tell the difference between a girlfriend and a cousin

My uncle is a cousin kisser. And he touches me

by A dog took my phone November 26, 2018

Cousin Kisser

A person who can not tell the difference between a girlfriend and a cousin

My uncle is a cousin kisser. And he touches me

by A dog took my phone November 26, 2018

Cousin Kisser

a person who dates their cousin; adj/noun

Thor is a cousin kisser with his cousin Annalee.

by Aztxc March 21, 2024

first co-cousin-nibling-in-law

The grandchild-in-law of one's parent-in-law's sibling.

My first co-cousin-nibling-in-law is a good person.

by Elivaldeq November 24, 2019

ur cousin be fussin

The worst insult of all time.

Bob: You're mom gay
Steve: Your dad lesbian
Bob: Your granny tranny
Steve: Your grandpap a trap
Bob: Your brother a mother
Steve: Your niece obese
Bob: Your family tree LGBT
Steve: Don't make me do it.
Bob: Do it!
Steve: Your cousin be fussin
(Bob then explodes, barely leaving Steve alive)

by XxDiamondDavidxX April 24, 2018


Spouse's second-cousin-twice-removed's spouse.

My co-second-cousin-twice-removed-in-law is a good person.

by JAMP12 September 21, 2021