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a fucking sad boy that plays fruit ninja with his wrist

look its a wild emo that is eating Antidepressiva in the wild and it likes being sad

by piss baby 3000 March 29, 2022

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An emo is a person who wanted to be a goth but their parents said they weren't allowed so they settled for emo.

I wanted to be goth but my parents won't let me so now im emo. /sob, /write a shit poem

by Papajim May 9, 2008

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a poor excuse for humans who are always depressed and have no life basically.
they tend to have greasy @$$ hair and like to cut them selves thinking the scars would go away and the tight pants.....
thats just f'ing retarded...if your going to wear girl pants go get a sex change damn it.

guy: why do you cut your self?
girl: becuase its fun....
guy:wtf fun, whats so fun about that?
girl: stfu you dont understand me!
guy: ? whatever your such an emo

by ihatez0rsemoz August 30, 2006

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1. A type of music.

2. A shity little poser (uselly a teenager) who talks about how he/she hates life when he/she has their health, is able to go to school, and has the money to go on shoping sprees and buy all the fagey that they whare.
They also talk about hateing conformest when they conform them selfs

3.The more evolved less dark goth (goth is just a more evolved punk) origionated in 1982.

4. The fags that give people that really are clinicly depressed, a bad name!

1.guy:Hey, do you like emo music?
guy 2:Thought that was a stiyle, not music

2.guy:You ok dude? You look sad.
emo:(says some sad shit about how sad his life is)
guy:So. Suck it up!
emo:(more sad shit about how sad his life is)
guy:im just going to kick you gay ass now!

3.emo:(says sad shit about how sad his life is)
goth:(talks about death,saten, and killing his/her self)
punk:(talks about heavy metal and vandelism)

4.guy: hey are you an emo or something?
clinicly depressed kid:no.
guy:Then how come you dont talk?
CDK:becouse i dont want to.
guy:do you hang out with emos?
CDK:No! I hate emos. They are the biggest posers that walk this earth! If they talk about killing them selfs then they should do it! The world would truly be a better and happier place with out them!

by enjoy life before its to late February 27, 2008

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Suppressed children who get grounded all the time, Cry alone in the dark, and smell of hair gel and cigarettes. (As well as ass from all the butt smex) A true emo would cry if you called them emo. Skinny girl jeans, emover, ofter seen with tight hoodies, bad tattoos

Enjoys bands such as, Bright eyes, Mars Volta, Claps your hands say yeah, Dignan (will try and describe emo music as "indie" ITS EMO)

thinks there hot and important

men like men

Emos hates life


by sexy jesus January 29, 2008

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Emo stands for emotionally different, or just emotional.

They apply to a certain group of people, who are often self proclaimed losers, who go around a in big group, being rejected. The characteristics of emos are normally:

-a fringe which covers 3 or 4 fifths of the face, prferably dyed black. This is thought to be a reason they are attracted to their own genger; they cannot see.
-attention-seeking gashes on one or both wrists, normally to show off, but many just wear wristbands and fake depression.
-eyeliner. And how! As in, so much they cry black tears. Which happens alot. Though many emo boys prefer to wear a complete set of make-up.
- An array of non existant problems.
- Thick rimmed black glasses.
- Very tight black drainpipes, which look impossible but are actually so comfy, you forget everyones staring at you like emo scum.
- An obbsession with a) "The Nightmare Before Christmas" b)"Spongebob SquarePants" c)"lovemetal" (whatever that is) d)dressing as a cat.

However wierd they may seem, my emo friends are great (just watch out for the emotions). They like being called emos but not greebos, as it makes them over-emotional. So please, if you see someone dressed as a cat in the street, please dont yell, "HEY GREEBO!!! GOING TO YOUR GREEBO STORE, EMO-SEXUAL???"

Chav: Hey emo, go kiss a guy!!!
Emo: Don't label me! (runs off crying)

by XXX_RaNdOm_cHiLd_XXX August 1, 2006

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emotionally depressed

i slice my wrists
so im emo

by adriennesdemure June 21, 2007

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