the exageration of the truth
That story had some serious Goldsworthy factor
A LIFE SCORE 0...9 we
A political position in the world
A digit or character in series where there is variation but there is a clear DOMAIN AND RANGE where there is never a REMAINDER.
MALAYSIA and SINGAPORE are 18 (666) in representation in the world countries in the STATE OF FACTOR.
16784 has the various SETS and each are unique in value for the STATE OF FACTOR of each adds up to no remainder.
367 is PERFECT as really a NEW YEAR does not start until after holidays JANUARY 1 AND JANUARY 2 as the STATE OF FACTOR.
The inability to complete a 40k game in 3 hours but 6 instead
I don't care about the jackson factor, just play your turn.
The factors usually used in process of production. In economically it tends to land ,labour ,capital and organization etc.
A firm is used Factors of production to produce a product.
when drake shows up to a raptors game the performance increases by the "drake factor"
The raptors are playing great 😸 tonight because of the "drake factor"
A woman with a belly that sticks out as far her tits do and sometimes beyond them. From the side she will resemble the capital letter "B".
Sometimes (inappropriately) used to refer to a woman in late pregnancy.
Dude, just cuz my girl is knocked up, that doesn't make her a Form Factor B. Once it drops she'll be back to normal.
A play of words Using Stockton Rush'es Sir name, his impatient draw to explore Titanic's captivating allure, by using an insufficient and budget friendly version of the "Limiting Factor" and is describing "when someone leaves all rhyme or reason aside to achieve something or to prove a point, even though it come with a great risk to oneself or others" / To have the "Rush factor" - Erik Bong Nilsson, July 2023
I would never dare to do something like that, I don't have the Rush factor