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Facebooty Fail

When one hooks up for a blind date with someone on Facebook and it turns out so awkward or mismatched with the other person face to face that the next day they've gone so far as to remove the other person from their friends list & completely blocks them from viewing their profile

just woke up...I know last night was kinda awkward ... blind dates are funny like that ... we are totally chill ... we can hang I'd you like ... but as far as a physical relationship I'm sorry Chica but you aren't my type Facebooty Fail ... please take no hard feelings I still think you rock. Anyways we'll catch up later

by Twinker the Scout June 5, 2010

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fail frown

An overly exaggerated frown made in response to anything particularly stupid seen anywhere, be it an action, a behavior, the weather, some music, etc.

Anybody employing a fail frown must be aware that they must, to the best of their abilities, follow the guiding scientific principle principle-every action has an equal and opposite reaction.

This actually happened to me, so please, read it in order to contextualize this compound word. In essence, it was a message about corporate buzzwords and euphemisms I had sent to a friend.

-I talked to a woman this morning who is the owner of a cafe. She told me she used to be a paraprofessional, which is basically a glorified teacherΒ΄s assistant. She likened the euphemism to a custodian being named a "custodial manager." We both made a "fail frown" after she had finished explaining it to me.

by legal pwn August 19, 2009

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LOL Fail

When a person has nothing better to say on msn or through text messaging so ends up repetitively using the world "LOL".

Suzy says:
Josh says:
Suzy says:
Josh says:
damn... LOL Fail

by Jimmy980 January 24, 2010

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Failed Harpoon

When cupid's harpoon fails.

That bitch rejected him after being penetrated by Cupid's Harpoon. Guess his is now the Failed Harpoon.

by awk-man April 15, 2010

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Fail Zone

The Fail Zone is the seemingly magical one-in-a-million glitch that brings you to a part of the level that is not supposed to exist or simply was not noticed by the programmers. Fail Zones exist primarily in skate/snowboard genre games but in rare cases have showed up in adventure/RPG/fighting games. You can identify a Fail Zone by A)Constant falling of your character in a boundary-less black/white location B)Free roaming of your character in a small confined black/white box. To fix a Fail Zone you must restart your level or in extreme cases restart your system.

Noobish gamer:"Dude I was like playing Tony Hawks pro-skater 3 and I bailed from a grind and then I like went through the floor and just kept falling!!! What do I do????"
Me:"Well, my noobish fool, you have entered what we call a Fail Zone the only solution for it is to restart your level or your game entirely. But since that might be too difficult for you to understand, I suggest you pick up your console and trow it straight up in the then stand right under the impact location.

by utaljx285 December 20, 2009

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Epic Fail

To fail so badly it is impossible to live with the shame. People have known to use this term when a friend( or anybody for that instance ) fails so badly it is epic.

Guy: I just drove my car into a house!

Me: Why?

Guy: I was studieing the house.

Me: Epic Fail man, Epic fail...

by Guy.Mr.Person.Sir August 9, 2009

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Epic Fail

When a fail is such a great fail that is it epic.

Dude, I went Christmas tree shopping and I accidentally made a tree fall and all of them came down like dominos.

Epic fail, man.

by Awesomepunk95 December 21, 2010

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