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French Flag

The traditional French flag consists of a white rag on a stick, waved in all of their military movements.

Don't wave your French Flag, you're winning the game!

by NoPun July 7, 2019

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french silk

The excess Saliva after you seperate from making out that's left on both people's lips.

She kisses so sloppy she always leaves french silk.

by MeHoff Jack MeHoff February 9, 2017

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french asshole


The other night, I did Celeste in the old French asshole.

by Frenchy McFrenchFuck January 4, 2019

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French Giraffe

The new kid who walks in class late, gives the girls large sums of money, claims to live in the largest house on Mersea and then shop for Gucci while being asked what the Latin imperfect tense endings are by the teacher.

You french giraffe

by Your friendly F.B.I agent. April 10, 2019

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French Bungus

The act of two male ani touching intimately or romantically.

Jacobsen: Hey, Weatherby, lets experiment with our french bungus technique.

Weatherby: Let me put away my Michael Bolton CD collection then we can French Bungus all night.

by TheBash September 11, 2008

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French Horn

A sleek brass instrument that requires focus and determination to play. Made in Germany but after a misinterpretation of the F in the F horn, it has since been called the French horn. Its proper name is just Horn. To become good at the Horn, players must dedicate lots of time to master the air control and embouchure. The single horn has 3 keys, and the double has 4, including a trigger. It's not very well known. True professional hornists can play every single note just from air control, without the keys. They can also play 6 octaves! One of the hardest brass instruments to play. It also has the smallest mouthpiece in brass. Best instrument ever!!!

Imran: Hey, Ellie, why didn't you bring your French Horn mouthpiece?
Ellie: Oh no! It's so small, it must've fallen out of my case!
Jadyn: At least now our ears will stop bleeding from how loud you play.
Ellie: *glares*
Imran: Haha. French horn is the best!

by hatchet-wielding nerd March 12, 2020

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french onion

ashley bowen; a girls smelly vagina

dont go near french onion, she may have a disease

by juyh12 December 6, 2010

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