an adjective referring to any shoes, preferrably converse that have been signed by lesbians and bought at a used thrift store
Wow Reese, those shoes are hella thrift! Did you get them from man with utters??
cap but more cap
P1: you're getting expelled from school.
P2: naw thats hella cap
Countrified, Podunk or White Trash
Man, this bar crowd is hella Roseanne tonight. Is the monster truck rally still in town?
a phrase used to describe something truely gay. Not the homosexual gay....but the kinda of gay that sucks bad, not hard. Abreviated "Triple H"
Zimora says you are hella ho ho 'fasho!
Ew! That is SO triple h!
a lot or a bunch; big or another word for really
That place was hella big!
That Indian food was hella good.
The car drive to LA is going to be hella long.
adjective; another way of saying super
Dude that test was hella hard
Hellas are rare, unusual girls. They typically are very quiet and dark minded. They are usually good at drawing simple things. They make fairly good friends and they are great friends to have. Hellas are the best type of friends to have
Omg, did you see what Hella did with her lunch? Hilarious!