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mr whipple

Sellers who will burn in ebay hell for crimes against the community.

Sellers who don't send what they list. Sellers who lie about an items condition. Sellers who expect you to pay to correct their mistakes. Sellers who make you wonder if ebay gives a dam. Mr whipple is the main reason mikie the yorkie dropped ebay.

by mikie the yorkie March 9, 2008

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mr. skullhead

To fuck someone in the clit.

I am going to go and Mr. Skullhead you.

by Average Urabn Dictionary Idiot July 19, 2006

331๐Ÿ‘ 112๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mr. T

A Nubian powerhouse who fought cancer and beat it so bad, he has pitied it ever since. Mr. T is a former boxer, wrestler, bouncer and current actor who's regular arm-wrestling matches with Chuck Norris and Till Lindemann have been responsible for both the recent Japanese Earthquakes near Fukusima and the Somalia drought respectively. Mr. T is one of the most powerful and compassionate men in history, both crushing and pitying his aversaries with equal measure. He is also humble, allowing Sylvester Stallone to put hands on him briefly to facilitate the filming of Rocky III. Do not, however, think of him as soft... Throughout the filming of The A-Team, he flat out refused to tolerate mental illness in Murdoch, considering it a weakness, stating throughout the series that he unequivocately "pitties the foo'". Mr. T is also a true humanitarian who gave nearly all his gold necklaces (Enough to smother an Egyptian Pharoah 3-times over) away after helping with the Hurricane Katrina cleanup effort. In short - A Total Fucking Legend.

In the time you took to read this, Mr. T built a tank out of two milk cartons, three lawn-darts, a tube of lubricant and a beat-up old 80's van. He then drove said tank through the reinforced doors of a burning barn in South America and managed to topple a paramilitary dictator without actually killing anyone. The fuck have YOU done today?

by Poppa Boogaloo September 5, 2011

48๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mrs Keating

A fat bitchy woman who gets Arabian Sunglasses every day.

Bob:You are such a Mrs Keating!
Jeff:(commits suicide)

by AK47rulezzz March 24, 2019

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Mr. Maples

A gentleman who is known for putting syrup on his womans ass.

Q: "Hey why do they call you Mr. Maples?"
A: "Because I put the syrup on that ass!"

by Nate--O April 16, 2010

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Mr. Mac

The leader of the notorious Mac Crew. Legend among legends, he is widely talked about but rarely located. Among his repuation as one of the best underground rappers along side other famous rappers, he is a force to be feared.

The members of the Mac Crew are loyal to extreme measures. Small subects of the Mac Crew can be located all over North America, but the original head crew has unkown whereabouts (adding to the myth of the Mac Crew).

Mr. Mac's right-hand man (also a well established rapper) is none other than Mac Daddy. Other high ranking members of the Mac Crew are Lil Mac, Mac 10, Mackin High, Doggy Mac, and Big Mac.

Ruthless and always dominant to rivals and protective brothers to his allies. Mr. Mac is the kingpin of his domain.

Thug1:Mr. Mac just made another album.
Thug2:Shit I hear he tore out the game in this one.

by D-loc Wiliams January 3, 2006

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Mr. 305

Mr. 305 other wise known as Pitbull. He uses this name to mean Mr. Miami because 305 is Miami's area-code.

Ha, Ha
It's Mr. 305 checkin' in for the remix
(I know you want me: by pitbull

I'm going to Mr. 305's concert. I love his song Hotel Room Service!!!

by bbya June 29, 2010

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