brambleton middle school is located in the heart of cashburn. every grade has it’s own disappointments. the sixth graders are unusually small and are unusually sprinting to get to class because they all have a fear of the bell. some try very very hard to be “cool” with either swearing every second they get or wearing the shirts they got from PINK. at the mall yesterday.
seventh graders are always disappointing. they are always together and laughing so loud so everyone else is jelous of them. they usually show up to school with either an iced white mocha, iced caramel macchiato with extra caramel, or a pink drink from starbucks; they would not be caught dead with a tall, it’s always venti. there is constant drama with who is dating who or who did what when. seventh graders are also terrified to do anything bad, they claim that they’ve hit the juul but in reality, that never happened.
eighth grade is the saddest of them all. at this point, every single person has given up on their lives. nobody has a’s, nobody is nicotine free, and no one does their math homework without photo math. cheating on tests is their second nature with the stupid teachers that wish they chosen another job. if you walk into any eighth grade bathroom you will get a wif of creme brûlée or mint as soon as you walk in.
at this point, brambleton middle school will go down in history as the most white school in the world.
i went to starrbucks to get a venti iced caramel macchiato with light ice and extra caramel before i went to brambleton middle school.
32👍 3👎
A absolute god damn hell hole where popularity is everything
A place where kids who think they are tough or gangster but they are really just wiggers and would piss their pants in front a cop in real life
A place where kids are doing drugs in the bathroom and doing stupid shit like putting a staple in a electrical outlet or being so worthless and stupid that they do stuff like lunch a locker until they break a wrist.
A place where all of the girls are total sluts and act like they are annoyed when boys look at them even though they are wearing that absolute minimum amount of clothing. Then they say they are bi so they can say that they are being discriminated against because they are so “qweer”
A place where all of the guys either look like they are 4 years old or look like they are 18 and for some reason never shave
A place where the boys either look like they are in 4th grade or look like they are 20 and don’t shave
... a absolute waste of human life, 3 years and nothing gained
Did you see that girl from Stoller middle school? What a stupid whore!
I know right!
18👍 2👎
A school full or idiots with barely any good people there with the teachers being bitches except for the band teachers but especially the chorus teacher. Fuck you Mrs McDaniel
18👍 1👎
When having unprotected sexual intercourse with a woman in doggy position, the male pulls out just before reaching climax and ejaculates into his hand. He then says the girl’s name causing her to turn around, at which point she is slapped on the face with a handful of cum
Guy #1: “So how was your date with Meghan last night?”
Guy #2: “It was great I gave her a Middle Eastern flashbang”
30👍 2👎
1/3 Dip-Shits 1/3 Pot Heads 1/3 Try-Hards.
1. A school in Southern York County School district in southern Pennsylvania, which is literally steaming shit on the sidewalk. God forbid it's the teachers fault, it's always the students fault something bad happened. When you walk down the herpes infested halls of Southern Middle School and look into the blood shot eyes of the human beings so done with life due to the 4 hours of homework that gets piled amoung the students every night, you can do nothing but become one of them. 50% confident people 50% asshats, don't even think about being yourself, you'll just be shot down on to the floor crying for being verbally assaulted to all hell. Want to go to guidance to talk about your problems? Good luck, all you'll hear is the biased opinion of your "happy" guidance counselor who shoots drugs to get over the crippling pain of her own life. Your best bet is to go into the weed infested bathrooms and get offered a joint hidden behind the toilets to solve all your problems. How many people tried to kill themselves due to this shit stained school? How many people got expelled for fighting and drugs? How many people are getting sexually assaulted within the hallways? Too many to count. But oh, the students are just "acting up" and "don't know what they're talking about".
Student 1: How many dicks did Teresa suck last night
Student 2: I don't know man, this is Southern Middle School anyone would give in.
38👍 4👎
Dickson Middle School was sucky today, man.
58👍 7👎
What happens in the middle school bathrooms when 11-year-olds discover the internet.
*in the highest, squeakiest voices you can imagine*
11-year-old guy: let's have some middle school sex baby ;) I got this dick for you right here
11-year-old girl: ooo how big are you
guy: 2 inches babyyyyy 💦💦
girl:ooo DAMN daddy let's do it 😈
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