A dry patch is a wet patch but when you’re high you say dry patch without knowing it
1st person Yo dude there’s a dry patch over there !!!
2nd person; yoooo that’s a wet patch you fucking mongrel
To patch someone means to ignore them or leave them out. To be patched means to be ignored or left out
"Freya keeps texting me loads of bullshit"
"Just patch her"
A funny, confident, cute young man... what else can we say. Emphasis on man, he’s not a boy and doesn’t play games. They usually work in hospitality such as a receptionist in a hotel. He loves to walk and loves an adventure. You will never get bored with a Patch. They also love to get there tummy scratches!!
1.Omg where is Patch?!?
2. Haha, You know Patch, probably at the hotel or at the hotel or on a walk!
A person that got a patch but he is the best person you ever going to meet and love so go get your self a patch.
james: aye who that
mark: that’s patch
Patch is a person whose real name is Patrick. He is funny- sometimes- most of the time- how funny he is is debatable. I think he is funny-ish.
Patch is a nickname.
scottish slang for ignoring someone
can use patching or patched
james was patching me last night