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cheap political whore

One who is engaged in politics, who is ineffective at politics, with little financial support, and will sell out the political positions of their constituents for a very small political and or financial gain.

"Romney may be a cheap political whore, but he's *OUR* cheap political-whore; provided we can get our act together, quit fighting among ourselves and figure out how to appropriately pressure his pimps in the legislature."

by barrister November 26, 2013

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political card war

Usually only seen in the United States, because they have such a broken democracy system. If you can even call it that. During the primary debates between multiple candidates, or more commonly the presidential debates between the two candidates. Each candidate will have a deck of cards sitting underneath a compartment of their podium. When the debate begins each candidate draws 5 cards. During the debate when another candidate is asked a question the opposing candidate will draw 1 card from their deck. They can then play the card during their Main Phase 1 when one of the opposing candidates is halfway through finishing their sentence. The cards include but are not limited to, the race card, the gender card, the deleted emails card, the wall card, the climate change card, and even the newly released Twilight Sparkle card which was played to defend Melania Trump's speech during the RNC. The rules of this game change daily but one thing is certain. Yu-gi-oh is better than this bullshit.

Reporter: Hiliary what is your opinion on gay marriage?
*Donald Trump draws 1 card*
Hiliary Clinton: Well I think---
Trump: I activate the deleted emails card! Where are those emails Hiliary?
Hiliary: I counter by activating the race card! What do you have to say about all your insults you bigot?
Trump: I activate the wall card blocking your race card!
Hiliary: argh!
Trump: This duel is over! On my next turn I will depleted you LP to zero!
Hiliary *gasp*
Reporter: What are they doing?
Reporter 2: It's a political card war.
Reporter: But they still didn't answer my question. This isn't a debate it's a pissing contest!

by TheWhiteBowser July 28, 2016

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Political Mr. Green

Political Mr. Green (mostly referred as Mr. Green) is a Paleo-conservative who is friends with Political Bruno, Political Rambo, Rjthetrumpsupporter, Political Amir, and other fascists. Mr. Green was canceled in summer 2020 for saying threats to Black people and Muslims. He is an extremist. Mr. Green believes in segregation, anti-diversity, Muslim bans, dictatorships and total monarchy, isolationism, and trans-racialism.

Mr. Green is offensive

Political Mr. Green is a racist

by nelthecatlover March 15, 2021

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Sunday Political Shit

When your parents argue over political shit on "Face the Nation"

Person 1: Hey what's up?
Person 2: Oh nothing just listening to my parents Sunday Political Shit....

by LIam_Martni(fuck) February 14, 2016

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UD Political Definition

A poor effort at being clever where someone describes an opposing group, ideology, figure, etc. in a derogatory way in an Urban Dictionary definition.

"Group A: A bunch of touchless virgins with bad breath and unwiped butts."
"Ah, yes, another shitty UD Political Definition written by a touchless virgin with bad breath and an unwiped butt.

by Wubway December 23, 2021

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Political Cum Stain

1. N. An annoying-ass adolescent piece of shit who always argues about politics, and usually hates everyone. See also: David.

2. N. The cum stain on the ass of a 12 year old girl. See also David.

Guy 1: Dude, you know who I hate more than Jeremy?
Guy 2: No who?
Guy 1: No one!
Guy 2: What about that kid David... hes such a Political Cum Stain!

by Thedeadhead04 May 17, 2008

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The Political And Economic State Of The World

Jaden Smith's favourite conversation topic

Walter: Yo jaden do you be feeling like a fire breathing dragon today?
Jaden Smith: Enough! If it's quite alright with you, Walter Hartwell White Sr., I would currently like to discuss The Political And Economic State Of The World right now.

by Qui-Gon Long-Dong April 23, 2022