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poop show

A descriptive expression which would denote a very dirty time had by all. Sometimes an occassion or party can get out of control and quickly turn into a total poop show.

A very messy event with a sloppy outcome, a typical characteristic of frat parties and college keggers

hungover kid #1 : "What the hell happened at Will's party last night?"

hungover kid #2: " I don't remember exactly, but when Mikey and those two drunk girls started taking their clothes off and dumping booze all over themselves in the living room it turned into a complete poop show!"

by jbone June 30, 2012


A fictional sport popularized on The Office.

Michael Scott:
I hate, hate being left out. Whether it's not being picked for a team... or being picked for a team and then showing up and realizing the team doesn't exist. Or that the sport doesn't exist! I should've known. "Poop-ball?"

by Ballnets.net July 10, 2021

Dance poop

A bowel movement brought on by excessive or extreme dancing.

I got so excited I almost dance pooped everywhere.

by RobinScherbatskyII June 20, 2015

Poop Bomb

A Poop Bomb is a giant weapon of ass destruction. Most commonly expelled from the anus in a short 3 second burst, with only minor warnings of flatulence and crippling gas cramps.

Angela gagged as she dropped a poop bomb in the toilet, creating an explosion of liquid shit and splattering watery chunks across everything in sight.

by The Flirtatious Flamingo February 25, 2018

Golden poop

When walking 2 or more dogs, when the dogs poop at the same time so you only need to bend down once and use 1 bag to clean it up.

Olive and Charlie gave me a gift of a golden poop this morning.

by Cheese05 May 5, 2016

The Poop Stack

Invented at my school(I wasn't a part of this), The Poop Stack is when people continuously defecate in one toilet over and over again until the point where it is almost falling off the toilet. It is a mountain of towering shit that almost caused the school to shut down.

"Hey have you contributed to The Poop Stack?

Not yet, I'm having Taco Bell tonight, so I'm going to do it after".

by Fortnite=Holocaust November 21, 2019

Future Poop

Noun: Meaning food. Anything edible. It all becomes one thing, future poop.

man: "What do you want for future poop?"
Woman: "Let's get burritos."

by BirdWop August 25, 2014