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Fag Rag

A cheap already tied bandanna, usually either black, or with a skull on it. White trash use it to look β€œhard”

Did you see Mikes new Fag Rag?

by Booooomerrr! October 2, 2019

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nose rag

a handkerchief or tissue

Don't forget the nose rag.

by The Return of Light Joker January 28, 2010

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Bang Rag

What a woman uses after sex to wipe up.

1) Grab the bang rag before you bang so you don't have to go too far when she says... "Can you get me a towel?"

2) Make sure you dont use the bang rag to dry your face in the morning.

by Triple Nickel December 22, 2007

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rag boat

In poker, a full house or full boat made up of cards of very low rank. The low valued cards are themselves referred to as rags, but when they become part of a full boat, they suddenly become a very strong hand. A rag boat generally occurs when a player finds himself involuntarily playing a very bad hand, or chooses to play them with the knowledge that it's a very bad gamble. Therefore, a rag boat is mostly luck. A rag boat also occurs in the sense of a hand that would have been made if such a bad gamble had been taken, but wasn't.

Player 1: "If only I'd played that three-eight, I would've ended up with a full boat and won."

Player 2: "It was better to fold, you'll go broke hoping for a rag boat."

by Evac156 February 25, 2005

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rag it off

To cancel or put off a date/friend, for example, for any reason. Colloquial.

Person 1: "Are you coming out tonight?"
Person 2: "Na sorry, I'm gonna have to rag it off, I'm skint"

by 0007babe June 27, 2008

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suzie rag

A hard stiff rag that a male routinely masterbates into

Dude Tina don't use that rag. That's my Suzie rag. Has my unborn babies in it

by Dallasg23 February 17, 2016

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bloody rag

A bloody rag originates from when women wore a rag, similar to a cloth diaper, with strings to tie it around their waste, during that bloody time of the month. The most modern form would be a maxi-pad, but not a tampon, even though some refer to tampons as rags.

She threw that bloody rag in the toilet, and expected it to flush? Where's my plunger, the dumb bitch!

by Craxd1 December 4, 2013

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