Source Code

Hawaiian Roulette

When you go out on a surfboard with many others to watch the sunset from the water. The loser is the first to get attacked by a shark.

Let's get the tourists to come play hawaiian roulette with us.

by Mano707 June 11, 2023

French Roulette

When a casual game of Russian Roulette is ruined by a person quiting, getting the next person killed.

"Wow. You really let Frank get killed because you thought we were playing French Roulette"

"But I didn't want to die!"

"Neither did the rest of Europe, but hey, whatever keeps you from surrendering again."

by CouchFucker69 November 3, 2019

Canadian roulette

In the event of an eighth overtime, each team fields 15 players on the rink, and the puck is replaced with a loaded gun. First team to score a headshot is the winner

Hey Garry, you wanna get the boys around and play Canadian roulette?

by Clucker9000 May 8, 2022

Amazon Roulette

When you order a product from Amazon but you don't know whether you'll get the brand-named product or a cheap knock-off because Amazon mixes both products together under the same SKU at the warehouse.

Alice: Damn! I payed full price for these AK Army camouflage pants but what I got was some cheap quality Chinese knock-off.

Bob: That's what happens when you play Amazon Roulette. Anyone can start an FBA business so you really never know what you'll get until it arrives.
Alice: Good to know.

by Watchful Bob February 24, 2022

amazon roulette

When you've been drinking, buy things on Amazon, forgot you bought things while drinking, and random items show up at your house.

Apparently I played amazon roulette the other night because I have no idea what the boxes on my doorstep are.

by mooyo April 20, 2016

Cum roulette

You and your homies get glasses of milk and one glass of cum. Spin the table around and mix the cups around. Who ever gets cummed looses

Me and the homies just played cum roulette

by Ronald McTits February 9, 2022

Geriatric Roulette

Take a sleeping tablet and a laxative at the same time and if you wake up without shitting your pants you have won.

Bob: Want to play a game? how about Geriatric Roulette
Karl: Nah not in the mood to see if I shit myself in my sleep.

by FatGimp December 16, 2019